
Are flower bulbs considered seeds or seedlings?

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or are they just considered bulbs? Otherwise which would it better resemble, a seed or seedling?




  1. Bulbs are neither seeds or seedlings.  That's like asking if a potato is a flower or a tomato is a leaf.  

    Some plants propagate themselves by means of bulbs.  A bulb is usually produced underground and is more like a specialized part of the root that stores energy through a dormant period.  A bulb is considered a clone, that is, genetically the same as the parent.  If a plant uses this strategy it tends to rely it almost exclusively.  However, some plants that reproduce by bulb may also produce some seeds.  

    Seeds are the result of pollination of  flowers.  The point of flowering reproduction is to mix genes with another individual so the resultant offspring may be genetically different from either parent.  Sometimes that confers an evolutionary advantage.  Seeds can be dispersed by wind or animals much farther than the speed at which a bulb can move by replicating itself.  When a seed germinates, that is, begins to grow, it is then referred to as a seedling.

  2. Neither... they began as seeds and then became a bulb.

  3. bulbs are just that, seeds they carry all the dna and genes the plant will ever have or need.

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