
Are flower gardens or veggie gardens easier?

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Are flower gardens or veggie gardens easier?




  1. veggies in my opinion

  2. They both require attention and it all depends on what you want from a garden.   If you just want to look at beautiful flowers then by all means plant flowers.......but, if you like most of the nation and the rest of the world is feeling the money crunch buying groceries then by all means plant something to eat....add flowers to the veggie garden that are conducive to preventing some insects and encouraging beneficial insects like lady bugs, honey bees... That way you get pollinators and beauty.

    Excerpt below from the link

    Umbels, such as coriader (cilantro), dill (especially 'Bouquet' variety), fennel and caraway are very attractive to beneficial insects. Alyssum, flowering buckwheat, black-eyed susans, dwarf sunflowers and yarrow also attract these insects.

  3. Well that depends on the gardener.  I have both a flower and a vegetalbe garden but my husband doesn't like wasting his time on flowers he can't eat.

    A flower garden is great for the senses, providing both an aesthetically-pleasing area to look at.  The flowers attract birds and the backyard we have the corn, beans, peas, beets, cabbages etc growing and spend more time there right now because it's harvest time for many of the treats.

    So for me the flower garden is easier because the flowers grow on their own, but to THRIVE I'd say the vegetable garden requires more work because we want to make sure everything we plant grows!

    The vegetable garden definitely COST us more this year setting up...

  4. to me they are all plants and  require attension l find growing veggie better am not so good with flower somehow l tend to over water them

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