
Are four children way harder than three?

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I have three children right now, a seven year old, a five year old, and a one year old. I am turning twenty six in November which is still pretty young for a mother of three. I would really like to have one more baby.

I think it would be nice that since my older two are a year and half apart, to have two younger children to be about two years apart as well. When I tell some people though, I get crazy looks as if I'm nuts to want four kids. Is it really that much different than having three?

I have a good job that I don't really need because my husband has a fairly good job. We already own a van because we didn't want to be squished in a car with three kids. We don't own a house, but are looking into it in the near future. I don't know, some people are kinda freaking me out thinking I'm so nuts to have another baby.

Can anybody tell me how they felt after having four children. The differnce? Or your opinions on my situation.




  1. Yeah when I had three kids and told people we were trying for number 4 I got those crazy looks as well. We did have number 4 and I honestly didn't find it much different than three. I mean once you have a routine and have been a mother for that long, it all just comes natural and so of course it's easier each time.

    My kids are now 13, 13 (twins), 11 and 8. I LOVE having 4 kids...all boys too! We are done now. I remember after our third (first being twins makes our third my second pregnancy), my husband considered a vasectomy. I told him to wait because I wasn't sure. He waited and we both ended wanting another. Now I feel totally content. I think when you are done, you will know it and if you feel like you really want another, then go for it regardless of what others say, it's YOUR family :)

    space was not an issue for us, we already had a minivan and enough bedrooms (we do two and two), our kitchen table fits 6. You make it work. My DH built a playroom in the basement and that was great.

  2. Once they become teenagers, Yes!

  3. I say stick with three. The less kids you have, the more they get. Collage funds for all three will help them in the future.

    Of course, I'm fairly young so don't take my opionion to heart.

  4. I love having 4 children.  But i can honestly say, it's not exactly easy.  There are BIG age gaps between my kids though so that does make a difference.  Mine are 20, 12, 11 and 6 1/2 mos'.  The only thing i've had a hard time with is the 11 yr old.  She's had a hard time adjusting to the fact that she's not the 'baby' anymore.  People are going to give you crazy looks because it's not real common to have 3 much less 4 (or more!) kids.  Sometimes i have to stop and remember that i have 4!!  But i wouldn't take a million dollars for any of them.  And as for the crazy looks from people (not to mention the comments)--who cares?!  They aren't the ones feeding or supporting us.  

  5. maybe you shoudnt get another one.

    trust me, im a sister of two siblings and my mom is going nuts already having me. LOL.

  6. God bless both of you, I've got one and he drives me nuts.!

  7. I have 4 children -14,10,9, and 8. 2 boys, 2 girls.  Have another baby!  The only big difference is having more washing/ironing!

    I do think that staying at home rather than working is a must though because there is always a school assembly to go to, Dr's appointments, hospital appointments etc.  It is definitely a full time job! Go for it  

  8. If I were you I would wait until the youngest is at least 2 years old before you start trying for the next. Four children is way harder than three. You already have a house full of young children, this is hard work! Give yourself a little break, you are still very young and have plenty of time. It's not nuts to want four children. I have four but they have very big age gaps, not so much by choice but by circumstance.

  9. I am one of 6 siblings (the oldest). Their ages are 7, 5, 3, and the twins are 15months. It is very hard to run our household. Luckily, mom works, dad works, and my aunt who is 18 lives with us and also has a job. So we can make ends meet and even give the kids what they want sometimes. You need to have very good organizational skills to run a household that big and a lot of patience. But the more the merrier!

  10. hi there i have 5 children, a 10 yr old ,9 yr old, 8 yr old ,6 yr old and a four month old ,i will have one more , people look at me like im mental i couldn care less i always wanted a big family ,the way isee it whats one more plate when yoou cook for so many anyway . your life changed when you had one go for it, its good to see im not the only one who has a big family in this day and age , its not really that much of a change for you and you have hubby for support.

  11. Ok, I love how you are so enthusiastic, but you have a 1 YEAR OLD. And your're only 26? I think waiting a little while until having another baby...? Because I'm all about big families, I have 4 brothers. But our mom had us pretty close together, and it was hard for her to keep up.  

  12. i'm in the same situation you are i have a 6 year old 4 year old and 3 year old. i really want another but my family thinks i'm insane

  13. i have four kids, too.  my experience has made me come to the conclusion that four is no harder and three.  i like the fact that with four i don't have one with the "middle child" syndrome.  like you, my two older ones are close and the two younger ones are close.  i have three boys (the older ones) and one girl.  i don't think i made a bad decision in having the fourth and it was a planned thing between my husband and i.  the older ones are a big help with the younger two and as far as expenses, i know there is more but i wouldn't have it anyother way.  it isn't for everyone (the looks, etc.), but hey parenting itself isn't for everyone.  my bff has two and she wonders sometimes if that wasn't one too many.  discuss it with your hubby and make the decision together.  also, talk about it with your kids (if appropriate) and let them express their feelings about another sibling.  good luck!

  14. I would say it all depends on what you think you can handle.  If you think you can handle a fourth then go for it.  All the more to love!  As long as you are taking care of them all and can afford them all then I would do it.  I love my children and wouldn't change having them for the world.  And another one would be a blessing.

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