I have three children right now, a seven year old, a five year old, and a one year old. I am turning twenty six in November which is still pretty young for a mother of three. I would really like to have one more baby.
I think it would be nice that since my older two are a year and half apart, to have two younger children to be about two years apart as well. When I tell some people though, I get crazy looks as if I'm nuts to want four kids. Is it really that much different than having three?
I have a good job that I don't really need because my husband has a fairly good job. We already own a van because we didn't want to be squished in a car with three kids. We don't own a house, but are looking into it in the near future. I don't know, some people are kinda freaking me out thinking I'm so nuts to have another baby.
Can anybody tell me how they felt after having four children. The differnce? Or your opinions on my situation.