
Are freckles that bad...?

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in the light in building mine aren't so dark but when I got in natural like they are a darker color.

and i'm not a big freckle fan.




  1. "A face without freckles is like a sky without stars."

  2. Freckles are great!

    1] they hide a lot of flaws

    2] they make you look younger

    3] they make people trust you, for some reason!

    I love my freckles! Good thing too - I have thousands of them [ my husband loves then too! ]

  3. I really don't like them either. But, there are some woman who look very cute with them.

  4. if there not really prominent as in all over freckles then there cute.. i believe that everything in moderation looks the best and works to be just perfect, too much of anything or too little of anything ends up being one great big mess..

    hers is waay to much freckles

    and hers is an example of freckles in moderation:

    people who say the love them are saying they love them in moderation, not to the extremes where there covered in them..

  5. I adore freckles.

  6. umm no they really aren't that bad

  7. personally i dont like them

  8. I think freckles are cute :)

  9. Speak for yourself ★Mrs. Edward Cullen★, but you don't speak for me!  Girls with freckles are HOT! The more freckles a girl has the HOTTER she looks!  There is no such thing as having TOO MANY FRECKLES! Freckles are the first asset I look for on a girl before asking her out on a date. A girl without freckles is like a night without stars. Freckles are so HOT that there are even web sites dedicated to women covered in freckles and the guys who love them. Freckles ROCK!

  10. I love freckles on girls, especially redheads.

  11. Freckles aren't bad and u should be proud of yourself and your face...    Keep your head ^ Girl!!!

  12. i dont like freckles on a pale face.....

  13. i dont mind freckles. its not that bad

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