
Are fried chicken and fried beef really THAT bad?

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are they really that bad? are they worse than chocolates and ice cream? i mean what if you had you 10 chicken wings a day... how many calories is that?

i'm kinda worried because if i intend to lose fat i may need to give up on my favorite foods...




  1. Just use common sense when it comes to things like this.

    Fried foods are not healthy, but there are worse things.

    Just eat a healthy diet with something that isn't so healthy every now and then. But the key is moderation. You can have something like chicken wings or ice cream, but not every day. Thats just not going to work.

    And it will help if you exercise. Even just taking a short walk around the block in the evenings. I lost 30 lbs in 2 months, all fat, by just changing my diet a little and going on a short run every day.

  2. who cares jus eat it :)  

  3. Like all other foods, they are bad in excess and just fine in moderation. Maybe 10 chicken wings a day is excessive. Depends on what else you are eating.

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