
Are fuel cell cars a hoax?

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Are fuel cell cars a hoax?




  1. nope they are the real deal.

    Generally they work by harnessing the energy produced when pure hydrogen combines with oxygen to create water.

    the water is then exhausted and the energy is converted to electricity and used to power the vehicle (or device).

  2. I don't think so.They realy do help the earth.

  3. Some very large research labs have working prototypes, so it's not as bad as "cold fusion".

    However there are still some really big, fundamental issues they still need to work out.  If it wasn't for that, they could have this technology in your garage in, oh, 10-20 years.

    It's being talked about like it's hot, but I think they're just throwing us a distraction so we'll keep buying gas and gas cars in the short term.

    Technologies available in the here-and-now (or at least, the 2008 model year in a few months) are:

    -  A wide variety of new diesel models, which are clean, high performance and can take biodiesel

    - More and more hybrids

    - there is a strong hobbyist community converting cars from gas to battery-electric and plug-in hybrid

  4. They are real, just not practical yet.

    It takes too much energy and creates too much pollution creating that electricity to make the hydrogen than it is worth.

    Plus it could cost consumers something like $12-$15 per gallon equivalent even after government subsides.

    It's simply not going to happen anytime soon.

  5. no

  6. YES, yes, and YES.

    Technically, fuel cell cars can work. As in, you fuel them up somewhere, and drive from point A to point B.

    However, the concept of fuel cells is VERY deceiving. Electricity is used to extract hydrogen from water. In a fuel cell, the hydrogen is consumed to produce electricity and water. The problem is the energy lost during both reactions. Essentially you are powering the cars with electricity, only at less than half efficiency. Plus fuel cells are large and heavy. There is absolutely NO advantage to fuel cells compared to electric vehicles.

  7. No hoax, hydrogen fuel cell cars are very real simply going to  honda or BMW's  website will show the vehicles and concept vehicles being made or tested. The EU has actually started an initiative to make fleet vehicles (like ups and DHL) all running on hydrogen fuel cells. as of now the costs are huge for a private citizen but with subsities a business can do it. Check out honda's hydrogen car that can be filled up on your natural gas line.

  8. yeah, so was man stepping foot on the moon.[/end sarcasm]

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