
Are fuel prices going down any time soon we can not afford to go to work anymore?

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Are fuel prices going down any time soon we can not afford to go to work anymore?




  1. No. Get a bike or use biodiesel, it's only been around for 113 YEARS. Quit whining.

  2. Fuel prices are going up.  The prices reported on the news are for futures contracts.  Thus there is a lag time between what is reported in the media for the price of oil and the time that impacts the prices consumers pay at the pump.

    Ironically we in the United States of America are energy rich.  Yet we allow liberals and extreme environmentalists to veto using our own resources.

    If we had invested in oil production in Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) and some offshore locations plus some new refineries we would be paying less than $2 per gallon.

    Liberals and environmental extremists say no new production of oil.  No expansion of use of coal.  No nuclear power.

    As an alternative they suggested that we invest in hydro and wind power.  But now they feel that hydro power is a threat to wild life.  So they are against that too.  Wind power harms the view from the Kennedy compound and it can injure birds.  So that have vetoed that too.  

    Of course the limosine liberals and radical environmentalists refuse to make any lifestyle changes that are anything other than symbolic.  So I guess that we average Americans will just have to suffer.

    If we support candidates that favor investment in more oil production and nuclear power, use of clean coal, new refineries, and other things then we have BOTH cheap energy AND new high paying jobs.  (In other words vote Republican.)

  3. Never.If cars get 80mpg. they will raise fuel prices to get their profits.

  4. No sorry.  They won't be going down - oh sure maybe for awhile  here and there, but you ain't seen nothing yet!

    We're talking about a limited resource here, remember?

    On the bright side - there should be more jobs out there for folks like me!  I ride a bicycle to work so I don't need your silly gasoline.  

    See me over here!??!  Hello?  I am the guy smiling while zipping past you as you sit in traffic and burn fuel.

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