
Are gas prices ever going to go down?!?

by  |  earlier

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im a college student with a car payment and i had bought it when gas prices were like around 1.60 and now im being screwed cause they cut my hours at work and everything




  1. i don't think it will or even can go down much. here's why. if it did drop to say $2, everyone would think it is cheap and just end up driving more. this would increase demand a lot, bringing prices right back up. they would actually go higher than they are now. high gas prices are here to stay. go read the peak oil theory. days of $1.50 gas are long gone.

  2. When Bush and the oil boys get out of office, then it might go down.

  3. Not anytime soon

  4. its expected 2 go down in about 2-3 years but as of right now we will jus have 2 deal wit the prices and not jus gas prices! what can i say we have no choice! ASAP they jus need 2 stop the fights  that are going on everyone is been affected wit it one way or the other!!!

  5. They will only go down when the liberals stop giving into the whacko environmentalists and allow the republicans to start drilling in ANWAR, off the coast of Florida(like foreign countries are doing) and the Dakota's where British scientists have said that there is anywhere between 200--300 billion barrels of oil under here. Once drilling starts in any of these places, you will see prices start to go down.....

  6. Not any time soon. Demand for gas in the world is only going to increase.

    Please, stop complaining about high gas prices. Take public transport, walk, carpool, or ride a bike. In Europe, gas is about $10 a gallon, and you don't hear us complaining.

  7. right now ya just never no!I'm strugglin myself and i live at home!

  8. if we bust the people that are playing futures than we might be able to see gas prices go down.

  9. yeah when iraq is the 51 state

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