
Are gas prices going to fall?

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Are gas prices going to fall?




  1. NO

  2. This question has been asked for the last 3 months by the media. From doing some reading and looking at the stock prices of oil. It can be said that within the next 3 years we are except to see it increase even more. Example I live in Michigan where i live the highest is 4.39 and the lowest varies between 3.94 to 4.05. But in other parts of my state the cheapest in some cities are 5.49 to 6.49. Its become an all out war to drain us. It has not been this bad since, Jimmy Carter presidency.

    But back to the main point. Because american and foreign car companies are making new hybrids and creating the first home plug in electric hybrid cars, these prices will rise. Until late 2009 when the very first true electric hybrid car that can plug into your houses' outlet will be available.

    The following companies have already have plans to create to creating one of these .

    Ford (late 2009 first concept version will be shown next year's chicago and detroit auto shows ONLY),

    GM (a******s in my opinion they founded the electric car movement ev1 look it up and they are restarting from basics and do not own the company they bought their battery from (company found in troy,mi concidence? i think not)).

    Also they are creating the volt/voltage wth its called seen in the detroit auto show since beginning of 2005!

    Honda has 2 on the words an SVU and a car.

    Toyota working on a car/svu combo (same design but svu has higher wheels and larger back frame).

    Think (used to be creating cars for  ford but ford sold its interest back to the swiss who own it fully again)<--- expected to win this car of the future.

  3. I sure hope so cuz I'm about to buy me a bike

  4. if we stop buying gas for day or 2 its probably going to go down a few cent or more for a day or 2 or 3.

  5. Doubtful, and in the UK our petrol prices are at least twice as high as those in the USA, so be glad for small mercies.


    U know that gas prices hv risen.....v ppl can afford but th lower class ppl can't.........

    So....the strikes r goin' on.........may b th Govt. will pay attention to this.........

    Most probably........gas prices WILL  decrease !

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