
Are gas prices going to rise indefinitely?

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Are gas prices going to rise indefinitely?




  1. No.

  2. yes

  3. No, gas prices will not rise indefinietly......eventually we will run completely out of oil....then no more worries about the price of gas/oil.

    Until then however, yes the price is going to go up.  Could be a big problem though, and cause economic collapse.  Isn't it "funny" how Americans helped to do it to themselves?

    In our quest for every cheaper products, we have shipped the lions share of jobs overseas.  This has been a boon to the economies of India and China.  So India and China now have money to buy more things, like meat, cars, and oil....things they never purchased before.

    This in turn has wildly driven up the price of fuel here in the U.S.  Now of course all we can afford are the cheap, shoddy products from China....

    Real catch 22, huh?

    Buy cost you more, but actually help drive the price of oil down.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  4. yup saudis rule bow to them

  5. Yes they are-it is way past time to look for alternative fuels.One day a gasoline engine will be a thing of the past like the Album or LP record.

  6. People say the prices aren't going down... I hope that's not true because it's killing me and everyone I know.

  7. No...miraculously come October and November the Republicans will find a way to lower the gas prices to make themselves look good so they can get minime bush elected.

  8. Gas prices are going to continually rise till about $10 - $12 dollars a gallon (not tomorrow of course, but over the course of time). Alternate forms of gasoline are being promoted of course (such as ethanol - the use of corn in gas-) and there is still much that can be done. By the end of summer (around September) gas prices should be around a minumum of $5 a gallon.

  9. unfortunately, yes

  10. Pretty much.


  12. Oil prices have been rising at the same rate gold has been rising, historically.

    Thumbs down? Yeah, I guess the truth is pretty offensive, better click thumbs down, to reassure yourself of the lies.

  13. I really don't know, and I hope not, but I think prices will continue to rise.  Seems like this is the last push before the reserves run dry.

  14. Yes, everything is going to go up in price.  The only problem with it now is that the unemployment rate is so high and the economy sucks.  Everything will end up balancing itself out when and after we go through a recession!!  The cost of living has gone up, but wages are staying the same which makes it hard for the common workers in the US who are making less than $75K a year.

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