
Are gas prices gonna just keep going up ?

by  |  earlier

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Will they just keep going up, and eventually we'll have to resort to buying electric cars and walking?




  1. IT WILL KEEP GOING UP UNTILL THE DAY WE all RIDE HORSE`S . Bikes will not be allowed since tires are made from oil

  2. Gas prices will tend to go up.  At the moment, there is still no clear point where it will stabilize or when.

    The tension at the gulf still gives an uncertain outcome.  If you have noticed, the prices jumped again after Iran test fired their missiles while the American troops (or Navy) were at a military exercise.

    There is tension in the region that could lead to hostilities with the closing of the gulf region to sea transport affecting the supply-demand of oil world-wide.  Let us all hope that the tension does not excalate to hostilities.

  3. Hopefully once the us elections are through the climate will settle a bit

  4. Up is the word, with no common sense in mind. Down be the word if we insert the word drilling. New refineries are but a figment of our imaginations, then the word is up. Refineries have been reinserted into the diction of congressional speak, then we have a Go for falling prices, and the word is down.

    I hope this helps.



  5. It all depends on the war and the gas companies excuses to raise the price. if the gas companies run out of excuses (which they won't) the price will have to drop

  6. Let me assure you that gas prices are reaching their threshold as we speak.   Meaning, the price you pay within the next 2 months will be the highest price... Heres why...

    In the investment world it is will known that the traditional supply demand curves are being badly manipulated.   This should be corrected very soon by new restrictions on margin requirements by congress.  If congress does nothing, however, the sky is the limit....

    Good Luck and I Hope this Helps...

  7. There is a limit to how high gas can go.  When oil is above $100 it starts to become economical to gasify coal.  This can be used as a substitute for regular gasoline in modified engines.  Of course for this to economically viable oil will have to reach about $150 a barrel since at that point, gasified coal cannot drive to price of oil below $100 and thus can maintain its viability.

    So to answer your question, no.  At least I hope not.

  8. If the price of gas doesn't continue to go up the government should increase the tax so it does continue to go up.  That way we can all feel confident that we must move away from foreign oil that is draining $700 billion a year from our economy.

  9. Yea, for the most part.  

      several different things lead to the retail gas price

    One being that its an unrenewable natural resource, made from crude oils of ancient dead organic matter (plants, dinos, blah blah etc.)  The rate its being used is more than the rate its naturally being made.

    Also, the oil company owners ( mostly in the middle east) can control the amount they're putting out on the market, to make a profit.  And the demand for their goddies hasn't slown down a bit, with people still clinging to their trucks and SUVs.  

    Humans seem to be slowly losing the ability to walk.

  10. I predict within 3 months the prices will reach 5 dollars a gallon.

  11. Yes It looks that way, with production of oil past its peak, massive demand in developing nations and tensions in the middle-east esp Iran at the moment. Its all caused the price of oil to double. Its not ever going to go down by much, its a one way ticket baby.

    I live in Uk our gas price are  ÃƒÂ‚£1.16 a litre average  i think thats close to 10 dollars a gallon in US currency. Electric cars have limited range and people crossing the street cant hear you coming! So ur better off walking unless you get hit by a silent electric car :)

  12. Yes! in time. when we go to war !!.

  13. The power must come from some place.

  14. There's a new gas place in town being built and on their sign it has Gas 9.99 9/10 Diesel 9.99 9/10 with room to put the 1 in front of them both, I know that they know that the price is gonna go up!

  15. Yes they will, and it's stupid that the war is over, but we're still over in Iraq. So all of our gas, and metals are being shipped over there for them just to rebuild there country. Personaly, i think we should bring our troops home and let the Iraqs deal with their own problems without our help!!And it sucks because now we have to spend like $75,000.00 on Electric and Hybrd cars, all because of our president!! But the plus side of us walking, is that alot of people are overweight in America

  16. I hope not

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