
Are gas prices high in your part of the country. im sure they are but is it true that we pay the highest price

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here in souther calif its getting pretty bad. close to $5. now




  1. in georgia the prices are about $3.95 for the lowest one

  2. Right around $4 in the St. Louis metropolitan area

  3. i live in Virginia,

    our gas prices are from $4 to $5

  4. stop whining. In Stockholm, they're paying $10 a gallon.

  5. Gas prices are higher than they were, but not too bad yet.  To answer some of Ell's questions:

    1. We don't ALL get public transportation because it is impracticable for the majority of the country.

    2. President Bush doesn't do anything about it because he can't, congress is the one who has prevented us from using domestic oil supplies.

    3. Focus on "alternative" sources at the expense of drilling for our own oil is what has got us into most of this mess, again brought about by the actions of congress and the fraud of global warming.

  6. they are the same in Northern CA but why do we not

    all get public transportation like subways and el's  where

    they can get the energy from other sources.. Why do we not

    do something????and i do not know what but why doesn't Bush do something and opec, I do not get why we are in

    this situation...????

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