
Are geminis instable persons or...?

by Guest56801  |  earlier

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Don't get me wrong. I'm a gemini but I hear people saying that geminis have a double faced and can't be trusted because you can never tell what they think. I've also had people telling me that geminis can never make their mind up, are moody and indecisive.

So do you think geminis are instable or just misunderstood by everyone else?




  1. just misunderstood. The fact of the matter is, we mentally process the enviornment around us much faster then most can, and so we're off to the next thing or idea while they're still stuck on the last thing. We're also impulsive at times and easily annoyed, and that can scare some people. As far as being unstable, I think that any sign can be unstable, depending on their mental or emotional health.

  2. I am a Gemini and I don't class myself as unstable. I do have my moments of indecision and moodiness but all in all I try to have a positive outlook on things and have fun with life.

  3. I am a gemini.

    Well, geminis CAN be indecisive, and very often. But they're also adaptable. In any situation, if it changes drastically, the geminis are the ones that easily change from one situation to the other. That also leads to the whole "two-face" thing. They're not two-faced, but they do have split personalities. One moment you can be happy and giggly, and the next you can be down in the dumps and totally depressed about something that you had repressed earlier.

    That's what happens with me at least. But I think geminis are misunderstood, and other signs are just jealous because they don't have our flitty free spirt. =)

  4. I think we are most often disliked by people who are too insecure or self absorbed to take the time to understand where we're coming from. I'm a Gemini and 2 of my best female friends are Geminis. We're all very stable, responsible, and considerate people. We're also very adaptable, can find the good in any number of situations - which, as you probably know, is why we can be indecisive.

    It all depends on the person. I dated a Gemini and he was the very definition of all the bad things a Gemini can be - but he chose to let himself be that way.

    I find that most people who really despise Geminis just aren't up for the challenge. They like more predictable people. They don't understand how one person can see so many different sides of a situation. I have friends who don't like it when I handle a situation or say something that they wouldn't have guessed I would. They understand a certain side of me and they want me to be that way all the time.  As a result, we never get past a certain level emotionally because they just want to pretend that side they don't understand doesn't exist. Which is fine, but it isn't our fault that some people aren't versatile enough ;)

  5. my boyfriend is a gemini and he is not two-faced at all thats just a false rumor but he at times can't make up his mind about things but thats what i love the most and he always keeps me guessing but he's not moody and if he is he gets over it quick = D

  6. NO!! They are not unstable.  It just takes getting "used to" how each entity will react to a situation. once you can get familiar with how each entity will react, it will be easier to understandthe person. Gemini's are great people, but they just need to be understood that how they react depends on "who" they are at the moment. I used to date a Gemini and it was very challenging!! I think that it definetly makes the relationship interesting, and there's never a dull moment!! :) So in answer to your question..... The majority of the time the're misunderstood!

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