
Are gerbils tanks easy to clean?

by Guest58387  |  earlier

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im interested in bying some gerbils, so im looking for a tank. im just wondering weither the glass tanks are easy to clean. i realy want a two or three story one, how would you clean it? thx




  1. I find it easy to clean out my gerbil's tank. Every 2-3 weeks, I just take a dust pan and scoop all the bedding out, wipe it down with paper towels, and replace the bedding. Every 2 months or so, I clean the tank out in the tub with some disinfectant and soap. It works out well, and it's very easy.

  2. put them in a wire cage, they are much easier to clean. you just have to lift the top off and dump the bedding yes gerbil cages are easy to clean

  3. yes i had one until it passed but it was very easy to clean its cage all you have to do is clean the wood chips out and then put in the new ones after you wash it down.

  4. If you give them a thick layer of shavings then nothing should leak through and all you have to do is scoop the old shaving up and put new ones down, its very simple. I would recommend a glass tank rather than a plastic cage for 2 reasons.

    If you get a cage with a small plastic tray at the bottom and bars down the sides the gerbil is likely to chew the plastic and escape. If you get a cage with plastic sides and just the bars on the top the gerbil will not escape but will try its best to dig through the side and make alot of noise.This is very annoying when you are trying to get to sleep (gerbils are noctunal)

    Hope that helps  


  6. i have the glass tank with a wire double decker topper. i think its pretty easy because all you have to do is dump the bedding spray the cage with the hose and your pretty much done.

  7. It really depends what you put in your gerbil tank.  What bedding are you planning on using?

    I used to breed gerbils and I have tried everything - don't use  cedar or any other type of strong smelling bedding.

    I have used sand (proceed with caution - only for "advanced" gerbil owners) cardboard tubing (from toilet rolls and paper towel rolls - they LOVE it.  Just clean everything out of the tank and drop in a bunch of tubes.  They run through them chewing them up and you end up with bedding!

    I kept my gerbils in a large glass aquarium with a mesh lid.  Be careful because gerbils can jump high so be sure the tank is secure.

    Also, on a side note - gerbils can produce litters about every 2 months.  They will be pregnant for about a month then have pups and get pregnant right away.  They can have 6 or 8 "pups" each time and will breed like this non-stop.  Please be very careful about this when deciding whether or not to get more than one gerbil.

  8. I used to ue a 10 gallon tank fo rmy 2, and its very easy to clean. You first dump out the old bedding, then wash it out and clean it, then dry it out and then put the new bedding in. They aren't really that heavy either.

    Now i have a 4 level wire cage, and all i have to do is clean out the bottom tray thing, which is easier, however with a wire cage they kick bedding all over the place, so i have to vacuum about twice a week.

  9. you shouldn't buy a tank they live way happier in a cage because then they don't fill so claustrophobic and they make 2 story cages

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