
Are germans more logical????

by  |  earlier

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their engineering is superior!!!!!!! do they value math and science, to extreme levels?.... wut also influences them to be so technical and calculative??????? in the us, we have lost these skills, and explains why are engineering is at a low point




  1. Obviously you are delusional or German, I can respect the engineering contributions the Germans have made but to say that American engineering is at a low point is just silly.

    I work in the Aerospace field among many engineers here in America so I Can see first hand that what you say is not true. Please give some logical examples of this low point you speak of.

  2. Do all people named "Anthony" ask questions based on stereotypical thinking?

  3. Ja.

  4. As a German, let me say that to lump ANY one together by race, color, creed or nationality, is offensive, ignorant, and downright stupid.

  5. I agree with wounded duck. Sounds like you already have an answer to your own question, then why are you asking it? Do you need other peoples support of your stereotipical statements?

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