
Are ghost real or are aliens real. Is there were not being told.?

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Are ghost real or are aliens real. Is there were not being told.?




  1. Spirits are, or at least one is.The one that I saw.

  2. both are facts.aliens are real,and ghost are part of the reality

    of the context where they develop

  3. Of course they are... I mean, no they are not... Im confused, just like everyone else here who doesnt know what they are talking about.

  4. there are other life forms because water has been found on Mars and when there's water, there is life! and gohsts, well....i like to refer them as guardian angels.

  5. I think there is a dimension that we can't see.  People live in our houses with us, but it's against their laws to distract us.  The trouble maker ones that do break the laws we call "ghosts".  Pretty crazy huh?

  6. There is something that is not being told enough. There is an invisible war going on and earth is right in the center. We have documents going back thousands of years, highlighting and explaining everything. Its been compiled into a book called the Bible. It explains everything about how fallen angels (aka demons) try to trick us, scare us, break us down. Because every soul that does not turn to Jesus is a victory for the dark forces.

    The war was won almost 2000 years ago, but the fallen angels keep fighting. Jesus died as punishment so that you would not have to suffer for sins, which are a natural part of mankind. By accepting his gift, you will be on the winning side of this war.

  7. Guess what? As far as ghosts go, you ARE being told, all of you. But there is a difference between hearing and listening. No matter how many times somebody says that ghosts are real, there will be people who don't believe it. If one day science unravels the mystery and it turns out that ghosts are real, then maybe that will change. Or maybe it will end up the way evolution did -- highly debated, often disputed, never reliably disproved. (Evolution is NOT a theory, people! It is a scientific FACT, but for all you religious people out there, I fail to see the reason that evolution contradicts God.)

    Either way, ghosts are real just so you know. Alines are too, but not necessarily the way you imagine them. Just because someone lives on a different planet doesn't mean that they go around in flying saucers abducting people.

  8. The government worries about possible panic and mayhem should the truth get out, so countless resources are expended on guarding the secrecy of such entities.

    I would say  more, but I dare not draw their attention.

  9. if you live till 2063 you might find out about

    the aliens. That is when Spock's great great

    forefather visits earth

  10. yes ghosts are real but I'm not sure about aliens

  11. theres no such things as ghosts mate you live and then die and if there are other life forms out there and they have some how managed to make a vehicle that can do the speed of light thats still not fast enough.The average distance between stars is over 30 million million kilometres seems a bit strange that an alien being would travel billions of miles to amuse themselves by planting crop circles and scaring the crud out of some poor guy in his pick up on a quiet road in arizona

  12. Human imagination is a most wonderfull thing.

  13. No, no, and no.

    The government told me so.

    Okay, seriously though, nobody is suppressing any information about aliens or ghosts. Despite the many personal anecdotes and the intense devotion that many have for the idea, there has never been any credible evidence presented for the existence of ghosts. Same with aliens. Although it  seems reasonable to conclude that somewhere else in the universe life came about on another planet like it did on ours, there is no credible evidence that aliens have visited our planet. No information is being suppressed, it's just that there is no information to share.

  14. Yes, there is a danger that we are not being told.  After all, we could not figure it out for ourselves.  We have to be told everything.

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