
Are ghost real?

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Please explain (pictures will help)




  1. h**l yeah! We r sooo real!


  3. yeah

  4. YES.

    i know of SO many true stories of ghosts.

    they are real no doubt.

    although, alot of pictures you see are phony.

    but ghosts are nothing to be afraid of.

    only polgerhists but they are very rare!

    you see, when someone has been murdered or they havn't died in peace there soul cannot rest because they are so troubled.  that soul gets trapped between our world & were most souls go. that is a ghost.

    sometimes ghosts conntact humans so that we can help them. for example help them find out or arrest who murdered them. then when they are at peace they will be able to leave.

    many ghosts have been seen by many different people.

    if you are still in denial that ghosts are real..

    please read: true canadian ghost stories.

    this book contains many different experiences & encounters people have had of ghosts & REAL pictures. not the phony ones.  

    I've read 4 of those books & i truly beleive they exist.

    so.. yes, ghosts are real.

  5. no

  6. lol it depends on your beliefs

    but hey nobody has proven them not to be real so you never know!!


  7. i really dont know ive seen some freeky stuff but im starting to question my own sanity

  8. Uh, maybe.

    And no, pictures won't help because it'll most likely be good ol' fashion Photoshop

  9. sure are! lol

  10. Yes,I beleive in everything

  11. yes they do. watch paranormal state. thats based on true fact. and my parents saw a ghost in my aunts and uncles house. they tried to get a picture but the camera was died. sorry if i couldnt get real evidence but i truley believe in them sometimes.

  12. No... unless you believe in the paranormal.

  13. I have a ghost. His name if Freddie. He hates it when I tell him he's playfull, really ticks him off. He wants to be a scary ghost but, he's actually just a wuss.

    Oops. I'm getting shivers, that means he's here. Gotta go!

  14. I don't know... Some of my friends believe in them

  15. Yes, they are. My friends have taken me on their ghost hunting trips, and I've seen two there. Other than that, I've seen my grandma [the night she died, before we even found out], my grandpa, a man I'd never seen before, and my friend who killed himself.

    I don't have pictures on hand, sorry.

    And I personally think orbs are much more helpful than human forms, as human forms can be easily 'shopped. Besides, I've seen orbs fly around in real life, not just in photos.

  16. Absolutely not. It's a hoax.

  17. yah, the video below is proof, make sure you stay til the end, the last one creeps the **** out of you

  18. I believe so. But I don't think of them of white transparent bodies, I think of them as energy forces.

  19. maybe but pictures of orbs don't help

    orbs are just dust, nothin paranormal

  20. Yes, my house has some rather noisy ones. Sorry, no picks

  21. YES I've seen and heard them

    I'm a Christian and I've never done drugs so don't say I was high!

  22. Yeah sure why not! They might as well be. If people can still believe in Santa Claus...
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