
Are ghosts........ nice?

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do u think that they are real and that they may actualy want to talk to us and possibly b our friend and help us... its sounds weird but do u think they are kinda like normal ppl and they are not trying to scare us they are trying to have fun with us and when they do scare us they are actually mad bcuz we always scream or run away when we see them




  1. ghosts are real but they are spirits and we are more powerful than they are because we are humans. so why be afraid? i think they need us more than we need them.

  2. yes i do my friends house is filled with them and my dad has seen them ( irish thing ) but watch some shows on youtube look for " A Haunting: Sally's House" it has a nice ghostie in it!

  3. Casper is friendly.

  4. Um, yep, I do I do I do. I have a few spirit friends, one of whom I absolutely cherish for the things he helps me with.

    But there are all kinds of spirits out there, because you are in spirit as you are/were in life. So a ticked off angry guy isn't suddenly going to "see the light" just because his life ended, you know? But yeah, there are lots of very nice spirits out there too.

  5. Speaking of only ghosts, meaning the lost souls of people who have died, then, the attitude of the ghost is strictly determined by the way the person was in life and how they were killed.  A person who was generally nice in life, who passed in a peaceful manner (For example, your nice grandma who passed peacefully in her sleep) will likely be a benevolent spirit who only wishes to comfort and express the love they felt in life.  Imagine another person who was overly aggressive, was involved in questionable behavior in life (such as drugs and crime), and died in a violent and unexpected way.  He would likely be a malevolent spirit, angry at his life being ended and having to experience the anger, fear, and other negative emotions that are created and enhanced by his life and death.  

    However, as you proffered, if a ghost were ordinarily a kind, peaceful, and benevolent spirit who was stuck here for whatever reason, they might become frustrated, irritated, and even angry if they were unable to pass and unable to communicate with anyone.  The spirits may even go so far as to throw tantrums (moving objects,etc.), just to get someone to acknowledge that they are there.  It is the same as working with people.  If there was a person who was supposed to go somewhere good, but they were stuck in a train station (as being a lost soul is being stuck in a point where you are supposed to be transported from one place to the next), they might react poorly and get more agitated over time.  

    Some spirits do not notice the things that occur around them.  They are locked in their own thoughts and patterns, and nothing exterior effects them. These spirits would simply be the way they were in life, since most don't even recognize that they have died.  Some of these are simply psychic fingerprints left by someone who has long since passed, viewed by someone with psychic senses.  In these instances, it is just like viewing a home movie. You see the events and the persons, but you cannot effect it in any way, and nothing changes.  It just repeats in part or in whole in its own time.

  6. Wow, that sort of sums up what I think about most ghosts.  Some ghosts like the people they live with others don't.  They really don't get much of a say in who they get to live with.  A haunted house I lived in had a ghost that loved to s***w with peoples heads. Once you got the hang of what he was doing it was really funny to watch him at work.  Never anything scary but he was big on practical jokes.

  7. When I was in high school I used to pretend I could see ghosts. I used this "talent" as a sort of parlor trick. Some people took it very seriously and just freaked when I told them about the spirits I was "seeing" in the room with us at the time. I almost convinced myself it was real. I'd conjure up personalities and stuff for these ghosts (some of them were nice), and I made it seem very real at the time. But believe me, GHOSTS ARE IMAGINARY.

    Anyone who tells you different is either selling something or messing with your head. Or maybe they're having difficulty distinguishing between reality and imagination. If that's the case, there's no shame in it; our imaginations can convince us of almost anything, and it while this can be fun it also can be dangerous if we let it go too far.

    Think about all the wacky religions that have developed over the centuries. Ten years ago a whole group of people committed suicide because they absolutely and firmly believed that comet Hale-Bopp was actually a spaceship that would take them to heaven if they killed themselves in a certain way at a certain time. I'm not making this up. It was called the Heaven's Gate cult (see the link below).

    I know that has nothing to do with ghosts, but it shows the importance of doing a reality check when you're facing something that seems supernatural. Ask yourself, "How can this possibly be real. What's the science behind it?" If something really exists, then it has a real mechanism that can be explained without invoking supernatural forces.

    Ghosts can't be the spirits of dead people. The human mind depends on a body and a brain for its existence. Once the body and the brain stops working--i.e., it dies--the mind stops existing. If someone wants to argue ghosts are spirits of the dead, then they need to explain how that works and show evidence to support the hypothesis. No such evidence exists, except the "eyewitness reports" of people whose imaginations are stronger than their powers of scientific deduction.

    And if the argument is that ghosts are demons or some other type of "supernatural" being, then we need an explanation of how such beings can exist in the real world. Remember, everything that's _real_ exists in nature. If you say something is "supernatural," you're really saying it's imaginary.

    I'm sorry if I've offended anyone by stating these facts, but they are inescapable. You might as well accept that there's a difference between reality and imagination, and ideas about ghostly spirits and demons are purely imaginary.

    The important message in this discussion is that death is part of life. That fact shouldn't cause us to despair or retreat into self-delusion, but instead to cherish life while we've got it. We shouldn't get caught up in supernatural ideas that distract us from the scientific "miracle" of our real lives--our very existence, our minds and imaginations, our ability to communicate with each other, and to know and love each other while we're alive, here, today, in the real world.

  8. OK then...........

  9. Watch this and make up your mind then.

  10. I guess it is like asking if a person is nice? It all depends on the entity involved

  11. There are some that are classified as "intelligent" Hauntings.

    Not all spirits or ghosts are "evil" or "demons".  You need to remember that at one time, these were everyday people too.

    There are even some cases, where a spirit may be there, but will not "show" itself in order to not frighten one.  This is in a few cases that I have studied on family members.

    Intelligent hauntings are those in which the ghost interacts with the present.  It is intelligent, in that it may communicate with those on the earthly plane.  The disembodied person has elected for some reason to stay or maybe just visit the physical world, due to a connection with a person, place or thing.  Intelligent hauntings may also occur due to a spirit's

    compelling need to deliver a message from the other side of the grave, or to watch over loved ones.  In addition, it is also plausible that intelligent hauntings occur due to attachments the ghostly person feels through memories, trauma, tragedy or any other emotional tie, effectively binding the mind to:

    1) maybe not realize the person's body is indeed deceased

    2) completing unfinished earthly business

    3) re-living traumatic events, as the mind replays the event in trying to comprehend

    4) perhaps hang around loved ones or persons the ghost finds like company with

    5) not letting go due to fear of death and moving on to a new world

    You-tube, by the way, it NOT a source of evidence for any haunting or the capture of apparitions.

  12. I curently have 3 haunted dolls in my home with the spirits for children in them. It really depends on what your dealing with. My spirits do things occasionally to get my attention like knock on doors or turn the lights off. But they are children so they do innocent mischevious things that kids do. Some ghosts are real people that decide to stay on a lower level of spirit plane and are able to interact with us. Other "hauntings" is just the intense energy that has been left behind, not the actual soul. Others are malicious negative beings who are out to harm. They call them "demons". I just like to refer to them as intellegent negative energy.

  13. I think they would be nice if they liked you, but if they didn't i think they would try to haunt you...

    Yeah i think like friends and family that have passed and are ghosts would try to speak to you and stuff

    I don't really believe in ghosts but if i did that's what i'd believe....

  14. Some may be

  15. The house we lived in before we moved was "haunted"  Little kids are more likely to see "spirits" cause they are more open-minded.  Anyway my daughter 18 months at the time, would follow a baby around and when she would get to the bedroom door she would say "where da bebe go" and we were like "what baby?"  And she would always hear noise on a certain wall that we couldn't hear then one day she was looking straight at the wall and said " I'm just Mallory, I'm just eating my sandwich" And she would repeat it like the ghost was asking her questions.  And one day we were sitting at the table and she pointed to our couch and said "theres a mommy and a sister"  (sister to her was a little kid) Sometimes when we would com home the door would be open.  Anyway I don't know if I even answers your question yet.  I think ghosts can just live among us.  and I think the ghosts at our old house liked us cause we were not afraid and we just lived with it (or them, I guess)

  16. Ghosts are 90% nice/. They do things as a way to communicate with us.  They don't mean to scare us or hurt us.  They just want us to listen.  They are stressed and need answers.  So they reach out.

  17. Some are. While others are protective of a certain area. And get mad when the living trespass.

  18. check Santa's list - he always knows who has been nice.

  19. some yes others no and i have the scars to prove it. you might really want to think twice before messing with any ghost or spirits

  20. As a child, I was quite young, I saw what I understood and interpreted as a ghost.  No one could ever convince me otherwise, because I knew what I saw.

    My younger sister, a baby at the time, was crying.  I got up out of my bed, in my room and went down the hall to check on her.  After I left the room, I heard something, I thought it was my sister again, but I wasn't sure.  I turned and outside the window this is what I saw: It was a man, he was short/stout. He was dressed and he was on the roof of the verandah.  He walked past the window one way, then the other.  He never looked at me, he never seem to notice me, and he never made any noise or spoke.  I was freaked out beyond belief! I ran downstairs and told my aunt and uncle (babysitting for my parents that evening) and I was reassured that it was 'nothing' and that I needed to go back to bed.  I never saw it again. I never knew 'who' it was.

    As for 'him' being scared of me... 'he' didn't even glance my way or take notice.  So, I couldn't scare him.  I was scared, that is for sure!

    As for being 'normal' there was something about 'him' that made me always question the spirit world... ahem...why did he need clothes? LOL!! I just, couldn't ever understand that (okay, that is more as an adult, but as a child I more interested in if someone had died in the house.  No one that I had been able to find out.  Also, the house belonged to my Great Grandparents, who, were still alive at the it wasn't being 'haunted' by one of them).

    Don't know if that makes the issue merky or clear...only know what I know...:-)

  21. No, I think there is no good to come from trying to befriend a ghost. For all you know they are an evil demon that wants to drag your butt to he ll after putting you through he ll.

    So, if there is a ghost that is trying to help you ignore it. Show no fear. Also move. And I doubt they would be mad at us screaming at them .... it gives them power. Be careful. Dangerous game you are talking about here.

    If this is just a funny/ silly what if question .... then a simple no ... is my answer.

  22. If as some theories suggest ghosts are the surviving personality of human being after bodily death it would depend on if the person was nice when he/she was alive or not.


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