
Are ghosts or spirits real? If i want to hunt them, what will I need and have to do?

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Are ghosts or spirits real? If i want to hunt them, what will I need and have to do?




  1. Are ghost and spirits real, I just need enough information as possible so can do my reseach


  3. Yes they are real. First of all, you should read as much as you can on the subject. A very good book is Troy Taylor's "Ghost Hunters Guidebook" and there are others out the by reputable paranormal investigators. Gain as much knowledge as possible. Then find a paranormal research group in your area. You should never go ghost hunting alone knowing what you're doing for a number of reasons, it can be dangerous. Don't let these uneducated dweebs discourage you, it's an interesting field.

  4. ghosts or sprits are real.

    they are some forces, thats all.

    in india we use spritual power to deal with them.

    if as a human u can generate more power than the ghost can exert on you, then you are saved.

    more power of living being depends on worship of god.

    people who suicide or die prematurely or die with left over wishes deep desires - their energy lives on earth as spirit or ghost. this energy need not to be fought, it is to be understood.

    in trichendur murugan temple, i saw one kurathi lady telling me a story of our ancestral family where one women suicided.

    her spirit is still causing troubles for our family

    she told us to remember the dead lady, and do pooja for her for positivie results

    we do annual pooja on the name of the dead women.

    so beleive in goodness of men, and ghosts.

  5. ghosts and spirits are just as real as me and u,You may not want to hunt them most spirits remain or earth because maybe they were killed, or something tragik happend to them befor they could tell people they love them like, my dad died 6 yrs ago and i was 6 when it happend, all i remimber is my mom telling me and my brother and sister to stay on the couch, and i wish we would have never gone to the beach, my mom was a (still is) drug dealer, and she wanted to go sell to people at virginia beach, and that night  he died in the bathroom from a heart attack, and i could see him a little through the door, (and i could see him choking to death and i hate my self  for not doing anything)and i knew after that night he wouldnt be coming back and i wanted to go hug him and tell him i love him befor he died but i didnt even have the guts, so i sat there and asked god to tell him for me, and i said to god"when my da comes up to heaven tell him to send me a sign he still loves me and misses me, and when i was 10, a glass fell in the kitchen and it broke, and it also spelled some thing, i t spelled"i luv u"i was so....well i wasnt sure how i felt but i never told anybody!!!!!!!!!!i think he is still here with me every day, expecally right now!!!!!!!!!i miss him so much!

  6. ghost and spirits are REAL. don't hunt them because you may get hurt. i have a gift and i am not so lucky to have it.

  7. Well, first thing is that you'll need a ghost hunting license which you have to renew every year. Currently licenses cost $50. I will send you a license if you can send me the fee. I take PayPal. :)


  9. Best thing to do is just go out on your own and visit supposedly haunted locations like civil war battlefields, haunted bed and breakfasts, old mansions etc. This paranormal investigating craze is really a nothing but people with an interest in ghosts forming ghost clubs, but they want to feel like they are scientific researchers.

    If they are real scientific researchers then there will be people with many letters after their names like P.H.D that was not bought from the Internet and they will be funded by grants.

    If the team members have day jobs then they are just a ghost club out having fun..

    You are told you are doing scientific research and to do not vary from their techniques, and to be skeptical, but my experiences is they are more quick to believe and see ghosts in every photo than people with no supposedly training. Just my opinion based on my experience with teams.

    If that is what you want then go for it, but I think you are better off just going out on your own and having fun.

    Or you can send TR the money for a license and if that works, hey I have a new business.


  10. Yes, ghosts and spirits are as real as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

    If you are under 10, you have every reason to believe in them.  Unfortunately, some people older then 10 continue to believe, either because they are self-deluded, or they plan to make money from the extremely naive.


  11. It is possible to hurt them, But why would you unless it's a demon spirit.

    You need to learn how to astral project- OBE you can grab a hold of them spirit to works I had to do it with a demon or bad spirit. I didn't plan it, it worked out that way.

    Most ghost are basically spirits trapped in the lower dimension not realizing that they are dead. There are basically the same type of spirit they were before they died, good or bad. They haven't transcended so they are with us, they do things to get our attention, they wonder why no one pays any attention to them. Spirits are the ones whom transcended to the other side, they can come back to visit. Demons act as spirits, they come usually when there are good spirits around, they like to confusing you, those are the ones you should want to hurt.

    EDIT...sorry, I must of been tired when I read this, I thought you say, okay hunt.

    There is different ways to hunt them...

    Tuning in is one way, I pray to God since He is Spirit. God must allow them to visit, depending on the way you tune in depends on your results, it works for me. Usually you'll have better time with good spirits.

    Or you can buy the electrical equipment The Ghost Hunters have -Taps.

    Ghost usually stay put in a certain area, unless they follow you when you move.

    Spirits you can bring to you no matter where you are, if you can tune in to the other side~spiritual world. But you may not like if you do get a bad spirit.

    You can go to any grave yard, all you have to do is talk to them if your strong enough to do that.

  12. They are not real--they are psychological phenomena. Don't waste your time hunting ghosts.

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