
Are ghosts real? And if they are, how?

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Are ghosts real? And if they are, how?




  1. us humans cant offer an explanation as to how they exist, they just do.  

  2. Yes spirits are very real and I explained what they are several time and i will not do all of that writing anytime soon.............

  3. yes.

  4. What's pathetic is the responses that state definitively that ghosts are real.  No one can state that as fact, it's our own superstitions, desperation, and fear of death that makes people believe they are real.  It's easier to continue on in life "knowing" that ghosts/spirits/easter bunnies exist because that in turn explains an afterlife. Well except for the easter bunnies, that just makes people feel warm and fuzzy inside.  Anyway my answer is a fat 'no'.  There has never, ever been any proof of a ghost.  Most TV shows out there exploiting 'haunted houses' are really just exploiting viewers gullibility.  But believe what you will.

  5. yes they are all reals and they are behind you

  6. Ghosts aren't real. Spirits are. My belief is that the only reason a spirit is on earth is so it can finish "buisiness" that is not finished. Like, finishing unfinished buisiness. =] Like, if they never got to see their dream house, they might haunt the people in it on accident because they want to see the house. But I don't know. You can't really explain something you don't know, right? The other name for ghosts are called apparations. Or something like that. And you can call ghosts dead people you know. But you don't wanna disrespect what they are and what their meaning of life is and what their planned futures are ahead. And some ghosts just don't like heaven or h*** so I guess they just stay here on Earth you know?  

  7. Well, (no offense to anyone) but being Buddhist, we strongly believe in ghosts and spirits. Many people do not believe in ghosts, but I do. I have experienced supernatural events that I cannot explain. Science cannot explain everything. So, in conclusion, yes, ghosts are real.

    By the way, some believe that ghosts exist because they have not yet fulfilled their duty on Earth or have a message/purpose for the living. Either to warn them of something or to "visit" loved ones. :)

  8. gost are not real.

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