I was in an old apartment building looking on the lower east side for my fresh out-of-pre-law brother-in-law going to Columbia law, helping him with his first month's rent. The studio he/we chose was dingy with some cockroaches, but that's NYC, isn't it? We were joking about the place being haunted, when the it sounded like someone was depositing on the porcelain throne. We checked and no one was there. We spoke to the landlord later and she said a person had been killed in the bathroom a few years ago. Ted said he'll take it. He's into dark voyeurism, so it suits him. We went up there one last time, laughing at the idea of a sh..ting ghost, when we heard similar pops coming from the toilet. We ran and saw a few bubbles rise to the surface from the toilet. Ted said, "That's awesome! I love this place already."