
Are ghosts really real?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know because me and my friend were really freaked out when we went into her room and we took pictures and saw freaky stuff.




  1. i haven't encounter ghost yet, but for spirits i did encounter them.

    i would say ghost does exist

  2. ghosts(earth bound spirits ) r real. but u neednt freak out unless they disturb u. if they do u can get some paranormal researchers help.  

  3. yea ghosts are real... but only poltergeists can touch you or harm you... what kind of stuff did you see... because i went to charlston, south carolina with some friends of mine and we went on a ghost tour of and old jail house there in town... we took two pictures of a fairly big staircase and one picture had a white ghostly figure that you could clearly tell was and x prisoner because you could see the chains on his wrists and the other picture there was nothing there... note these pics were taken back to back like click click... then as soon as we left the building going down the back steps the camera froze and we took the batteries out and it was still on... true storie.

  4. i think ghost are real.  

  5. Personally, I haven't seen a ghost, but in my opinion:

    I believe that ghosts, souls, spirits that were once living beings are real.

    I think the reason that they haven't moved on is because either they don't know that they're dead or they just have some unfinished business here.

    If you can, post some of the pictures in question. Thanks.

  6. Yes, they do exist. U ever watch a show on Sci Fi called ghost hunters. Where they capture evidence to determine a place is haunted or not.

  7. I haven't seen a ghost in my lifetime. So I don't believe there is.  

  8. I don't know. Why don't people see ghosts from the stone age. Why are there no cave people ghosts.

  9. Personally, I don't think they are real; but, who is "her?"  You need to give more background.

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