
Are ghosts/ spirits real

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are spirits real and can they hurt you? im really scared to sleep in my own room without wondering. this is really affecting my health. i don't get enough sleep and im always cranky in the morning. i spend my morning sleeping and im up in the afternoon and night. and when im sleeping in the morning, if anyone tells me to wake up, i get very angry and frisky lol =D any encouraging words to make me feel not scared? please help (puppy dog face) =D thanx




  1. most spirits/ghosts dont hurt you and you have nothing to be worried about.  if its a demon then thats a whole different story then.

  2. I think there real but they can't hurt you on less they throw something  

  3. diddo i am completly exactly the same i feel much safer sleeping at day time its pprob cuz everything i go through like not having parents and stuff.

  4. What we call ghosts reside in the 4th dimension, which is the spirit world and we can't see into that world unless there is a portal or the veil between worlds is thin..

    All dimensions have a different vibration, we are surrounded by dimensions we cannot see, but sometimes we do get a glimpse into their world and sometimes they get a glimpse into our world; also remember our dimension is the only dimension where time is measured...

    I recently read about a ghost scream which was recorded in England; a team of paranormal researchers were conducting an investigation into a haunting and 3 or 4 women were together in a room when they were taken by surprise by the appearance of a ghost, so they screamed...

    The Ghost also must have been taken by surprise as it also screamed, which was recorded on their equipment..

    They had the recording analysed and the result was that the scream was not of human origin; so you see we can spook the spooks just like they spook us...

    About 1 km up the road from me is an old manse called St Cecilia, this is in Peterborough, Sth Aust...

    This old manse hosts 5 ghosts, and the most prominent is the ghost of one of the old Bishops who lived there in the 1870's..

    A friend of mine is a psychic medium and he has been on a couple of documentaries which concern haunted places in Australia, and he has been filmed there several times...

    I walk past St Cecilia's 4 times a week, mostly at around the 9ish PM mark, but sometimes much later on my fitness walk..

    I have personally seen the Bishop 3 times, up on the porch on the far left hand side of the the building...

    Every time I walk past the manse all the hairs stick up on the back of my neck and I have that feeling of being watched...

    Every-time I have seen the Bishop, he is looking directly at me and it sends a shiver straight up my spine..

    He knows my energy and I know his, I just hope he stays where he is, as I honestly believe that there is something a wee bit sinister about him...

    I will tell you what happened to me when I first moved into my cottage in the country..

    One night I got outta the shower and was drying myself in the lounge room and all of a sudden I was freezing cold; I was as cold as if I were naked and out in a blizzard...

    I found my winter sleeping clothes(trackie daks, thermal T-shirt and a wind-cheater) and my thick woolly Pancho and I was still shivering; the temperature in my lounge room was 26C so I should have been quite comfortable in just a pair of shorts; the entity had changed my body temperature...

    This happened on 3 separate occasions and I contacted a psychic medium mate of mine and we sent him to the light..

    He was an adolescent child who was just having a bit of fun, but that fun could have killed me as it is not healthy to be all rugged up in winter clothing etc when it is in fact really quite warm inside the house....

    I still have one entity but he causes me dramas at all...

    In Light... )O(

  5. Puppy Dog Face - that's so cute, and it may be the answer to your own question. Get yourself a little pooch to keep you company at night. A natural cure to your supernaturally overactive mind.

  6. okay so there is a ghost/spirit in your house.

    you are afraid of ghost/spirit because you can't see them? strange to them? feel vulnerable to be harm by them?

    do not let the spirit bother you. it will cost stress. lower your health.

    sleep at night time and close your door. show you're not afraid of the spirit/ ghost.

    if you show fear toward the ghost/spirit. if it's a mean spirit/ghost , he/she will take advantage of this weak spot of yours.

    light up white candle for healing and incense to help you meditate while you're on your bed at night time.

    high level spirit/demon/devil can harm people. scratch your face, your back, push you down the stair, open and close the door, knock your door.

    if the spiris is good, or not-good-not-evil, he/she will probably not hurt you unless you're cruel to him/her.

    since the ghost/spirit is trying to contact you, you can tell the spirit to bother your father instead. you can try. then convince him to get a dog to hunt ghost/spirit. o.O

    if the spirit/ghost is friendly , you both can be friend.

  7. Hey Brooklyn-babe, Daisey here, I think that spirits are real, i live down south so we are pretty supersticious around here!!! I think that the belief is in the eye of the believer. It is kinda like God, I believe in him but there are ppl out there who don't!? So it really just depends on if you do or do not. I think that it tends to be a subject that i jump back and forth on alot do not think that spirits can harm you, i have had a few strange experiences so naturally i do believe in them due to my experiences. I don't think you have anything to be scared of, when i was around your age i was very scittish and still am sometimes when i go babysit at this old civil war antebellem home because the mom and dad say that they have had a few ghoastly encounters. My mom and dad(god rest his soul) lived in an old southern plantation with Slave Cabins still in tact on the site and they would wake up everymorning and their cabinets and doors would be unlocked and wide open. They finally moved. Also while living there my mom often had to stay alone because my dad was working nights when they were first married and she said she would often lay down and hear voices of people chatting in the living room.!!!! Scary i know, especially since it was out in the country and she was home alone!!  That house was a historical landmark and had been used as a gathering home for people after church for people to come and talk and have lunch. But yes i believe in them and you should maybe watch Sylvia Brown on youtube, don't be scared you just have to realize that nothing is going to harm you. maybe if you have a tv  in your room, this is what i do, set the sleep timer for about 30 min and go to sleep with the tv on and it will turn off if you set the sleep timer. I hope i could help don't be afraid God is with you. You are not alone. My opinion is that i think that the reason spirits do such bizarr things is because they are confused and i think that is why they try to make contact and get frustrated, just an observation i have often thought of.  Like others have said do not let the spirit know that you are scared of him/her. Just ignore it, don't pay any attention to it or they will come into your life

  8. if you put negative energy out it will come back.

    try good trusting energy . ever hear of earth bound spirits?

    they won't hurt you . that is what you are feeling maby.

    I had one before and i couldn't sleep.

    if you need help i'm an earth bound spirit expert ( self studied it )

    here is what they are ..

    they will not harm you. I'm very intrigued by this lease keep me posted!

  9. If ghosts and spirits were real, then ghost hunters would have one bottled up. In the history of the world a ghost never physically harmed anyone. If there is an essence after death, it does not manifest itself in our plane of existance.If you psyche your self up, you can feel the walls closing in. They ofcourse don't move.

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