
Are girls always going to see me as a big guy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 6'3", about 240 (yeah, I know I can lose some weight) and I HATE how I look. I don't care that some guys wish they were bigger since I don't see any reason why unless they have some idea that they need to look big and strong to "protect" someone, which I find patently ridiculous unless you're in middle school or something.

I don't want to date girls who want a big, "manly" guy and it's driving me crazy because that's exactly how every girl I dated saw me - I was expected to dominate them and make them "feel small" next to me.

Part of me wonders if there is any way to avoid being seen this way, of being seen as this big broad shouldered guy.




  1. I know exactly what you mean man, cuz I am like 6'2 and weigh around 225 and I sometimes wonder why can't a guy who wants to be a pro wrestler have my body. I feel people are intimidated by me and i also hate how the assumptions that I play football everywhere I go, and what's funny about that is when I tell people no they the excited expressions wipe off there face and they ignore me when I reply that I have a 4.0 gpa, though if that helps. I am not a macho man and I hate when people yell out hey "Big Guy" I try to ignore the and act as if they are talking to someone else.

  2. I think that big broad shouldered guys are s**y. I want a manly man, not a scrawny little guy

  3. every girl wants a guy that looks like he can protect her

    its a major plus

    i would consider yourself luckyy


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