
Are girls better than guys at defense, or does it just seem like they are because they don't hit as hard?

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I have heard people say that girls are better than guys at defense, and I want to hear some opinions.

Some people think that girls seem better because their hits are slower... Do you think this is accurate or not? Why?




  1. i think that guys can hit it harder and can take a hit (some girls are afraid of getting hurt, not me i am a libero). Some girls can kill the ball though if they are set right.  But i think that girls have more agility and have a better judgement on where the ball is goint to be hit. so in general i think that girls can read the ball better so even if the ball was hit hard they could get it. but for guys the ball is hit really hard they dont have as quick a judgement and cant get the ball.

  2. I agree with the latter statement.

    I've heard that men can hit as hard as 100 mph.

    Imagine having to deal with those at such short distances.

    You would have to be lucky to dig up one of those once in a while.

    By the way, one of your questions got the wrong answer voted as the best.

    Volleyball players do have better vertical leap than basketball players generally.

  3. good question.. its hard to say really. i would probably say that male volleyball players GENERALLY tend to be more athletic than girls making them easier to move around the court on defense, however girls tend to have better form on defense. really hard to say though.. not sure

  4. it really just depends on how that person hits compared to how the team receiving plays. every person and every team have their strong suits, and their weaknesses

  5. well, men do tend to hit harder that women, but i have seen women have better ball control than men in general

  6. i don't know exactly, but i would say that it depends. girls do focus a lot on defense, though, because, unlike guys, they cannot get a bomb hit from their outsides every time there is a bad pass. i think that girls tend to pass better than most guys out of necessity rather that just because, because their offense depends on a good pass, where as male hitters are able to somewhat adjust better. i know some girls who are terrible at defense, and some guys who can make a perfect pass without even thinking about it, so i would say it on a case by case basis.

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