
Are girls depressed more then guys

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Are girls depressed more then guys




  1. Yes, it's a fact. Girls deal with their problems differently than boys. While girls tend to face their problems and share it with their girlfriends and try to find a solution for it, boys shift their attention to other things like playing video/pc games, engaging in sports, and watching tv to forget about their problems or worries. This is the reason why statistics show that girls are more depressed than boys - because girls show more signs of the symptoms of depression. But the truth is, boys feel the same degree of depression as girls do, boys just tend to conceal it because of ther "macho" image (which means that boys should be strong and not coward, and also because they were generally raised not to show their emotions and weakness, e.g. crying).

  2. Yeah...i dont know why? Maybe cos theres more girls in this world then guys??

    Makes sense...

  3. yes it has been proven that women get depressed more than men.

  4. Whether they do or not, girls definitely have a harder time hiding it than guys. If guys were honest, I'll be it would be about 50/50

    Twisted Sister

  5. it appears that way on the outside yes, but men tend to keep things bottled up inside

  6. Yes we have these ridiculous hormones and these ridiculous men that do it to us

  7. i think so and yea im a depressed chick but im bi polar so thats mostly why

  8. actually true

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