
Are girls embarassed to be seen in their bras & undies because they have to wear such frilly, lacey stuff ?

by  |  earlier

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I secretly tried a lacey silky panty & bra set once and it made me look and feel really silly and weak! Is this how women also feel when they wear this frilly stuff?




  1. LMFAO  no!  

  2. LOL! Well sweetie too bad your sister didn't catch you in her panties or you would have been cleaning her room for the next year  in your silly bra, panty and some high heels! ROFL!

  3. maybe you felt that way because your a guy???

    haha no i  personal don't feel that way


  4. umm..girls dont HAVE to wear that stuff. and im guessing that if they do wear it, its because it makes them feel more confident and even s**y-it probably made you feel silly and weak because you are a guy and it depleted your masculinity.

  5. Fetish question.

    Don't answer this, ladies.

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