
Are girls more in tune with their horses than guys are?

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Are girls more in tune with their horses than guys are?




  1. I think that there are differences between girls and boys in the way they treat their horses, but I wouldn't say one was more 'in tune' than the other.

    Girls tend to be more fussy with their animals, and treat them more like humans.

    Boys treat them like animals.

    Girl has pony who looks a little cold turned out in the field, and makes herself late for something by bringing it in or chucking a rug on. (Lots of petting, feeding and fussing goes on in this time-frame, too)

    Boy has pony who looks a little cold turned out in the field, and says, "Oh, well, it's not clipped, it's evolved to to live outside. Off I go."

  2. Good question,

    I would say that most horses LOVE to be fussed over and most girls love to groom their horses.

    Grooming is probably one of the best ways to bond with your horse.

  3. Actually, if you look at the upper levels of the hunter/jumper discipline(eventing and dressage too!) the male to female ratio starts to equal out a lot, especially when you factor in the international crowd.

    Men have a different center of balance that actually puts that at a bit more of an advantage than a woman as far as riding.  

  4. Hmm, well, I've noticed that women favor horses more.  Espcially when young.  Men are more into loyal pets, namely dogs who love to play rough.  Where females love to be able to groom their 'pony'.

  5. i think so because sometimes boys would be embarrassed to talk about horses to their guy friends maybe unless their into horses aswell

  6. like the first answer said. its tough. you do have to have a gentle side to you and some men lack that. and most girls dont.

    it just depends on the guy. if he's stuck up and stupid. almost any girl would be more in tune

    but if he's gentle, sweet, loving. then he might be more in tune than some girls.


    like "hey" said. id LOVE to have a guy thats the sweet, gentle loving type. but i cant seem to find any

  7. There a lot more horse girls than horse guys, (what store has a shirt that says Horse Lover in the boy's section!?) but both genders are equally ''in tune'' with horses. Sure, there's more horse girls out there, but the guys who are into horses have the same bond with horses as the girls. It all depends on who you're talking about. Some people have horses, but don't have a bond. Some guys bond with horses better than some girls. Some girls might bond better than some guys. Guys and girls are both the same with horses, but it's all in the horse business. The real question is, Do you really love that horse?

  8. well,

    Girls mostly bond with there horse alot better then guys because they are more gentile and calm. but guys can bond with there horses to, well aleast some guys. :P lol

    just a question? why are you askingg??

  9. I think it all depends on personallity and how much the person likes animals or just horses and how long they have been around the horse(s).

  10. Great question!! Im not sure "in tune" would be the correct phrasing - more a case of in love with them!

    I know girls certainly dote on their horses more - buy them more accessories that the horses totally dont need - that kind of thing.

    Im not saying guys dont look after their animals, but I think us girls do take it a bit far at times!!


  11. This is a general analysis - NOT to be taken as the Holy Grail or anything.

    Girls are a lot more emotional than guys - meaning that they are more emotionally "in-tune" with their horses than guys are. Females are more likely to think things through emotionally, and read horses' body-language better and thus understand the horses' mind and what they are telling them.

    Guys have a tendency to want to "bully" their way with horses - they use natural body language to assert dominance, and have a tendency to use correct punishments for a horse based off of the herd ranking (meaning, never too much, never too little to get the point across). They think logically, and generally get a better reaction out of those horses that prefer that type of rider.

    Now, as for bonds? I think every gender shares the same potential for the same bond. Some horses are guy horses, some horses are girl horses. Some horses LOOOOVE a lot of people, some prefer being a "one-person horse".

  12. well to me it seems that way, most men try to take charge and "rule" the animals, which DOES NOT WORk... but us ladies we win the heart of them so they will do anything for us.. men have that idea that they need to tame the wild beast and physically control it or something.. and physical strength is good alot of the times... but i think horses can sense that in men and it makes them feel cornered and pressured and then the horse freaks out and then the man handler tries to 'handle' the horse, but it just makes it worse.. horses want a leader not someone to push them around, i know few men who have a close bond with horses, in fact i only know 2 ha ha  but I'm sure there are alot of men out there who are great horseman it just seems the majority don't take the time to understand the horse, but we females, we take time to understand the hearts desires of everything.. and usually we women only do that because we want to be that desire ha ha

    ***"solstice" i totally agree with you on the dominance thing, men are more dominant anyways, but if they come off as too dominant for the horse the horse might respond better, or feel super pressured, or they might try to assert there dominance over you i agree that horses can be met at an emotional level.. i dont think it's just like another person said.. the girls treat the horse all pampered and boys treat them like animals... seriously i think a horse could care less if you spoil or buy them things

  13. hummm good question, i think you need to have a gentle side to you and some men lack this for sure!

    My partner has bonded so well with my 2 horses I don't get a look in! They're daddy's boys now!

  14. Hmm..

    Well, you tend to see more MALE trainers, and more FEMALE "riders."  Of course, there are plenty of female trainers and male riders as well.  My own personal opinion is that women seem to have more of a motherly, caring instinct that helps them uderstand the horse and be more patient with it, whereas guys sometimes tend to just want to bully the horse into obeying instead of listening to the horse and responding appropriately.

  15. thats not a very specific question. it doesnt matter the gender of a person but wat does matter is the drive they have for thier horse.

  16. I think that if a guy is devoted enough to pick horses over another, man-lier, sport, they are very in tune with horses.

    But, in general, since a lot of girls have a more emotional relationship with their horses, they are more in tune with horses, but only because they choose to spend more time with them.

    That's just what I think... :)

  17. i think there more girls (in my opinion im a girl) that enjoy horses just because they think its "girly" ir watever but guys and girls can still be in tune at the same level. i would love a guy that likes horsesi just cant seem to find one!

  18. less boys do horse riding than girl but i think like people who say horse riding is a girls sport saying girls are more in tune than boys is wrong good question though.

  19. No, I think the opposite is often true.

    Girls are often afraid to really assert themselves over their horses. They coddle and spoil their "ponies", letting the horse get away with minor behavioral problems. Thus, they don't put themself in a dominant position over the horse and the horse has little respect for them.

    The men I've met that work with horses were always incredible with them. They were very firm, they knew what they wanted from the horse, but they were gentle. They saw the animal for what it was and didn't anthromorphize it, or make excuses for the horse based on their own emotions like girls do. (Ie., Oh, he's just having a bad day, he's usually not nippy like this.. )They never seeemed to lose their temper with a horse. Often, they'd be the "popular" ones at the stable-- popular to the horses, that is!

    That said, I think you need a certain type of mindset to really bond with a horse. You need to be dominant, but kind.

  20. Not neccessarily, look at Pat Parelli! It just depends on the mind, not the gender. There's nothing better than an horse loving guy who loves and is great to his horse!  

  21. No I think maybe the opposite is true. My boyfriend bought his first horse 3 months ago and already they are inseparable. She will push past me to get to him. i see another side to my boyfriend now, the soft, caring side of him I didn't know was there. He spends hours with his mare grooming her and talking to her and she so obviously loves him. He bonded with her a lot quicker than I bonded with my mare.

  22. Depends how you read "in tune."

  23. i think girls in general are more impatient with thier horses, they want quicker results and better behaved animals. you just have to see all the spoilt brats at pony club to know that. i'm not saying its true about everone, but i think because its rarer for boys to ride, the boys that do ride probably love it a lot more than some girls that ride. then again those people with real passion for it have patience regardless of what s*x they are.  

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