
Are girls more love obsessed than guys?

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I think we are.. honestly. All we can talk about our guys and who we like, who hot, what would make us pretty for guys... what do you all think?




  1. no of couse not i mean if u ask a question like that i would proberly say not all girls r the same  

  2. it okay. At least you're not keeping secrets from each other right?

    Any girl does that!

  3. Well guys talk like that too trust me.We talk about cute girls,how to impress girls,how to talk to girls.Love obsessed girls may be more but there are many guys who are love crazed and there are some girls who dont believe in love.I think you need to analize the person much less the gender.

  4. Probably, but I'm not sure. Love-making on the other hand...I'm pretty sure there's a clear winner in that category.

  5. You're not love obsessed, you're guy obsessed.

  6. With out question, yes.

    However, when a guy gets "love obsesses" he becomes scary, and can become murderous.

  7. yea i agree: love is to girls as s*x is to guys if you think bout it

  8. i think so too... girls are more emotional... and guys dont relly like talking about emotions... but if they are mature then that is a different story.

  9. Oh they most defiantly are. Girls are far more obsessed with feeling loved than guys are. In fact, guys could careless for the most part. It's just something that doesn't really concern us, partly because most of us don't seem to have a real interest in it, but also, we get bored very easily unless we constantly are doing something engaging. So while a girl might be fine with just hanging out and spending time with him, a guy is going to want to be doing something. Not necessarily something sexual, but something that occupies time and maintains our interest. So the relationship is more about spending time doing things together rather than reciplicate mutal feelings and signs of affection.

    Now of course that doesn't mean that we don't want girls to pay attention to us. We go to great lengths to make sure that girls are looking our way, and we constantly are giving each other a bad time so girls look favorably on us and badly upon the other guy. Even if girls seem to miss it, guys do things, even little things, to make sure we are presentable and interesting to girls. If you think that's a lie, then start watching at the guys stomachs--they're all flexing their abs in the hope that it seems like they have a six pack. Or they're flexing their arms or finding ways to show off how strong they are. We do actually make an effort, girls just don't seem to notice as much.

    Guys do like the romance to a certain extent. Some is all right, but too much gets boring real fast. We want things to go right and we want to make sure they will turn out well. That's what most girls fail to see. We're not going to just take a chance and see how a relationship will turn out, we have to know that there will be something to it and there is something to gain by being in a relationship with her. And that makes sense--why be in a relationship unless it has a purpose? It's far easier to be single as a guy, cause ultimately, we don't need to feel like we're bonding with a girl. We're perfectly OK with a superficial and superfluous connection, while we are young and feel like we have nothing to loose.

    But in short, you're correct. Girls spend more time thinking about love, feelings, connections, and all that then guys do. Chances are, guys are talking about how hott she is, or talking about who is hott and ugly amoungt the girls we know. It's just a fact, don't expect us to change anytime while we're guys.

  10. it depends on the guy. I crave the love i feel when i hold my girlfriend. shes not all that touchy feely though. i feel that romance and love are the spices of life but just like when your cooking their no good if you use to much they loose their meaning. oh ya and if your around a guy you like that might like you don't talk about other hot guys it really makes them mad.

  11. generally, yes, guys care a little more about their favorite football team and their masculinity, whereas girls would do makeup and whatnot...:P sorry if i offend anybody, im sure it doesnt apply for everyone

  12. definatelly YES

  13. Yes. There's hopeless romantics guys out there --- don't get me wrong, but for the most part, women are more consumed with the idea of love. It doesn't hit men until later.  

  14. yes i do think girl are more of romantics then guys but girls are more emotional than most guys are

  15. girls are more emtional so im gonna have to say yes. there are more girls that are interested in love than there are guys.

    but you cant generalize all men and women. some girls are not interested in relationships and some guys arent that interested in s*x.

  16. YES YES YES ! COmpletely ! :S

    Most of them are sensitive and to girls emotions matter alot. Guys just go with the know what I 'm saying ?

    Again..yea girls are more love obssessed ! Example: ME ! LOL

  17. i've heard that guys talk about girls as much as girls talk about guys. but as love goes. probably for the most part. but there are some guys.. usually the sensitive ones that are obsessed too.

  18. i know it feels like that a lot, but you would be surprised. i know a lot of guys who think theyre in love a lot. (and i dont mean just to get into someones pants..theyre real saps.) they think they always have to have a girlfriend and they're obsessed with trying to find "the one".

  19. ya i think u are too ... guys talk about b*****s to poke on, pot and well about w/e  

  20. Gurls are love obsessed.

    Guys are s*x obsessed.

    That's life, its sad :(

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