
Are girls nicer to brunettes and guys nicer to blondes?

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In my experience as a blonde, I get more looks from guys but more bad attitudes from women. When I have had dark brown hair I get treated better by women but guys dont look as much. Since Im taken I guess brunette is better...since I dont get unwanted looks. What do you think?




  1. I think brunettes were voted the hottest of the hair colours recently in Cosmo magazine. Don't get me wrong, that's no news article, but I think people's views on brunettes are changing.

    I don't give women bad attitudes based on hair colour. I give them bad attitudes when they dish them out first.

    ...and Tracey, we don't assume red heads want to fight, we assume they are Gingers. Gingers have no souls. hahaha just joking.

  2. You could just get more sexual confidence when you are a blonde than when you are brunette. The sexual confidence makes you flirtier and more aggressive for a mate.

  3. Try being a redhead for a day. Everyone presumes you want to fight with them.

    The percentage of men who prefer redheads above all others is small, but very dedicated and very vocal in their preferences, in my experience.

  4. I am blonde (naturally...not the bleached kind) and I think I get treated better by both men and women.  I went brunette for about a month and saw a huge difference of how I was treated by everyone.  Not to mention after about 3 weeks it went a funky faded brown color, from coloring it darker than it naturally is.

  5. My daughter is a natural blond and she doesn't like how people assume she's ditzy and stupid because of her hair color. She really isn't. However, she does appreciate her hair color because she knows how rare it is for an adult to be a natural blond. There are far more natural brunettes than natural blonds.

  6. My experience is just like yours.

  7. Blonds are assumed to be more friendly, open and sexual. They are also assumed to be less "feministic".

    More guys feel at ease around blonds because of their reputation for being easy going, "dumb" and promiscuous.

    Brunettes are assumed to be more "serious" and more likely to be "bitchy", stuck-up, or prudish.

  8. I would not know.  But brunettes are much more attractive.

  9. Speaking as a redhead, I found my hair was much admired by men when I was young, but didn't seem to have much affect on women either way. Now that I'm old I don't get a lot of attention from men anyway (except from my husband). When my hair started to get a lot of white in it I started dying it.  I intend to die a redhead.

  10. I don't know, I've never been anything but brunette & mostly have been treated w/ respect, it's probably because I'm black lol.

  11. maybe women are jelous because your blonde, because men give you looks!?!

    i think brunetts are more warmer lookin anywayz!! :D

  12. I am a guy and I like brown hair and eyes most, blondes are OK but those brown eyes are what makes me go goofy silly every time

    and wish I was naked under the moonlight.

  13. It doesn't matter to me personally, but I have heard other females comment on blondes.

    I have a pretty blonde classmate, and my other classmate said "I hate her!" I said "Why? She's really nice."  My classmate said "Ugh..she's just so girly and wears pink..and ugh I just hate her."

    I knew that my classmate was jealous of the pretty blonde. That was the only reason why she hated her.

  14. "Try being a redhead for a day. Everyone presumes you want to fight with them."

    Oh yeah, it's your hair.... Right.

  15. Ryan has it right.

    Hair color is kind of like breast size or makeup; there's this unspoken (okay, sometimes spoken) widely held idea by men and women alike that most men prefer blonde, huge-busomed, puffy-lipped, heavily made-up women.  Survey after survey (and the occasional formal study) shows that this isn't the case; that men vary all over the spectrum on all of these things.  Yet the myth persists (mostly because of beer commercials and Hollywood is my guess).

    And it's the power of the myth that gives rise to the phenomenon that you're talking about.  When someone thinks they match society's idea of what they're supposed to be, they're a great deal more confident and adventurous, and as a result they meet with more success.  Put on makeup, dye your hair blonde, and wear a wonderbra, and you haven't necessarily increased the number of men who find you attractive, but your belief that you have will make you more confident, and this confidence is what men will find attractive.

    Of course, by that same token, people of both genders (perhaps women moreso) tend to harbor resentment about people of their same gender who are sexually confident.  One thing I noticed after I started to make a habit out of weightlifting, in addition to the increased female attention, was a bit of an increase in men who seemed to be looking for weaknesses and mistakes.  Perhaps it happens a different way between the genders, but it seems pretty predictable that if you make yourself more sexually attractive, you can bet that people of your gender will start resenting you more.

    Personally, I do and always have strongly preferred brunettes, but I do notice that brunettes seem much more likely to be shy and reserved than their lighter-haired counterparts.

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