
Are girls supposed to know less about cars?

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i've heard people say don't ask a girl if something is wrong w/ ur car for help.

Also one time on the news i've heard things like tips for women on a snowy day b/c we know how intimidating it is for them.




  1. People usually know more about the things they are interest in.

    As most women do not show interest in cars, more times than non a woman would know less than a man of cars. And more of fashion as a man.

    But In reality it would depend on the person and its background.

  2. When I went to high school, girls could not do subjects like woodwork and tech drawing at school, and as for getting apprenticeships as mechanics, forget it.

    For most girls that wasn't an issue, but for some it was a real pain.

    I'm proud of the fact that my brother's mechanic workshop was one of the first in Sydney (Australia) to offer apprenticeships to girls, and they had quite a few applicants too, many of whom did successfully complete their time and become good mechanics.

    My bro always said that in the past, weight and strength was considered more important for mechanics because cars ~ and engines ~ were big and heavy. My sister always loved cars and could work on them with the best, though, so it obviously wasn't that hard for girls to do.

    Nowadays, car engines are coming smaller, and in many cases women have a slight advantage because with small hands they can more conveniently work on parts guys have a bit of a hard time getting to.

    Whatever the reason, more women nowadays are interested in cars. Not to the same extent as guys, but to some extent.

    If you like cars, go ahead with your interest and don't let people tell you what you are "supposed" to like! It's your life, and others don't get to decide what you enjoy, or not!

    Best wishes :-)

  3. No they are not suppose to know less.....from the sound of your post I think the story is speaking more about safety when stranded on the road. Due to the situations in the world today females are more vulnerable .Today there are cellphones and your not at the mercy  of anyone who just happens to stop where you are it is better.

    It is important to know some basics of your car. Not only when you get stuck, but to have knowledge when you need repair. Sometimes younger guys have sensitive egos and at times feel hurt that they can't be like a superhero rescuing the heroine.If you want to know more about cars learn all you can,okay?!!

    Hope understood your post correctly--

  4. Not suppose to, Its a choice, i am  an old car buff and i know women who can due tune ups, brakes, oil changes. I think many women find this boring to them, but that's by choice, there is a woman here that works full time doing mechanical work, she is very good at it, and no she is not manly, quite the opposite

  5. Men and women should both be adequately trained is basic car mechanics.

    Changing a tire is not hard. Changing your oil isn't that hard. Pumping gas is definitely not hard. Knowing when you need to stop and check your car out and knowing not to drive when certain things happen in your car are all beneficial to men and women and it seems ignorant to me to limit your knowledge on that because of what gender you are.

    As for major car mechanics, well thats subjective to each person. Some of the best car mechanics I know are females. Some of the best fashion designers I know are males.

    To each, his own.

  6. It's generally expected that girls won't bother learning about cars because their boyfriends will take care of all those problems for them. This is an unrealistic expectation. Everyone who drives should know how to maintain their vehicle.

  7. I had a huge laugh when I went with my mate to the mechanic's.  she used to race cars, so needless to say, she certainly surprised him!  (She also decided never to go there again)  I personally think that if you are going to drive, you should at least know the basics about cars, how they run, etc.  That is simply being responsible.

  8. Well unless Vogue starts putting articles about engine repair in it then yes they don't know c**p about cars. It would be nice for once to know what part the mechanic said needed to be replaced. Instead of hearing "I think it was a spark compressor".

  9. Girls aren't supposed to know less. It's just a stereotype that most girls don't know how to fix a car.

  10. Nah, there's this one girl I know is a small town who knows more about cars than me LOL

  11. It's just a sterotype. I think if you have a machine like a car you should research a bit and know basic things about it incase it breaks down.

  12. Instead of worrying about this why don't you read up on car repairs.  I am sure most women don't know as much as your average man does about cars but if you want to know more read up or maybe take an afterschool class.

  13. I don't know about "supposed to" ,but very few women know how to do much more than put in gas and maybe check the oil.

    Here's your chance to prove me wrong:

    What is an EVP sensor ?

    How about a TPS ?

    A thermactor ?

    A MAP sensor ?

    How about an EGR ,h**l everyone knows what an EGR is.

    How about the ISC valve , do you know where yours is or the symptoms of a failing ISC ?

    But hey I know little of fashion ,nor could I tell you anything about American idol ,so don't feel too bad.

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