
Are girls wanting more s*x or emotion based relationships ?

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Then reason I ask it seem like more and more females just want to have one night stands or go with guys that they know just want s*x then throw them away...Most dilute them self into thinking these s*x relationships were more then that to ease their conscience.. They don't seem to want to go with the nice guys that will treat them right and care for them as a person , not as a piece of meat




  1. girls will always go for a relation ship w/ alittle bitoboth

    if they can,

    but between no stringes atatched s*x,

    and a longterm relationship,

    sometimes hormones win over

  2. depends on the girl if you dont like to be s*x crazy then dont change yourself for that 1 girl be a gentlemen and be more into emotion based relationships  

  3. I being a girl ahahah would rather go for a sweet cute relationship that lasts awhile plus I like nice guys, but not all girls go for "bad guys" and not all girls just wanna have s*x and then thats it!

  4. I've found that a lot of the women who do that had problems with their fathers in their childhood. My friend lost her virginity to a guy she didn't even care about when she was thirteen! Her father died a year before that happened. She kept sleeping with guys, and stopped recently because she realized what she was doing was unhealthy. My cousins friend was adopted and her family kind of pointed that out to her all the time. She felt sort of abandoned and ended up sleeping with guys left and right. I believe that the girls who do that are covering up a problem they don't want to confront. Most women love healthy sexual relationships with men that they want long term. But all people are different. You'll find girls that appreciate nice guys! Actually,  one night stands (for women) go against what our bodies want. When women have s*x with someone their body releases a hormone that makes them feel more attached to their lover. It's a little bit hard to explain. So, casual s*x isn't natural for women. sooooo yeah.

    I just read what I wrote again, and I apologize if I sound kinda didactic. I don't think ALL women who are casually sexual have problems, but you see what I mean.

  5. some girls are like that, some actually care about the guy.

    you just have to pick the right girl.

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