
Are girls without freckles still cute/pretty?

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I've always wanted freckles... it seems like all the guys where I live prefer girls with freckled faces. I guess they're just prettier....

I REALLY think I'd look cuter with freckles...

is there any way I can get them?!




  1. only from your genes

    or you can use an orange magic marker

  2. you can take some of mine.

  3. freckles are caused from the sun

  4. permanent marker?

  5. not naturally, but sometimes, people who have freckles aren't necessarily better looking, ive seen some people and wow not good, but don't worry if you don't have freckles most of my friends don't and they are the most gorgeous people i know inside and out.

  6. my friends who have freckles use a lot of coverup to get rid of them. i guess your never happy with what you have.

  7. Girls without freckles can be very pretty, but no matter how pretty they are, they would be even prettier with freckles!  I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel.  Girls with freckles are HOT, and the more freckles she has the HOTTER she looks!

    The only way to have any possibility of getting freckles, is if you have the gene variant for them.  If you do, then spending a lot of time out in the sun will bring them out.

    Freckles ROCK!

  8. I wouldn't worry about it.  You can sit back and laugh a few years from now when they're all dying of skin cancer.  Then you'll have the freedom to chose any guy you want.

  9. Umm i'm not to crazy about them, but that's maybe cause i have them.You can't just get freckles you have to have light skin,or eyes.OR light hair to have freckles.I have like a ton, But there a lot of people who want freckles, and there are a lot who don't.

  10. y wud u want them? everyone i know dsnt like girls with them, and only people i know with them are gingers, so i wudnt get them

  11. i have freckles but my best friend doesnt have eny but lot's of guys like her and there natural sun marks lay out in the sun

  12. Believe me. All the girls with freckles wish they had your clear complexion. You can't make your skin get freckles.  


  14. you can pencil them on or get them tattooed on your face.

  15. there is no way to get them unless you draw them on your face witch would look kinda ridiculous butt I think you probably look fine with out freckless

    not to offend anyone but I think people look better with out them

  16. I think there's nothing really special about them. I think that it makes people's skin look uneven.

    But if you really want them, sun can bring them out. Or, this is a little weird, but you can put little dots of self tanner on your skin.

  17. sorry but you are born how god made you and you really can't just get them. Be who you are because that is the best you can be, trust me guys like you even though you don't notice<3

  18. yeah

  19. im not crazy about freckles...i mean a few are fine i guess..but i dont like lots

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