
Are glass aquariums found in walmart in the pet section reliable?

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I'm looking into buying a 10 gallon aquarium, and while browsing through walmart today I came across a 10 gallon glass aquaruim at a really cheap price (around $12). I was checking it out and I noticed on the insides there was some type of clear glue along the edges. I know this is to hold it together and prevent it from leaking, but would it be a good purchase? How much do 10 gallon aquariums go for at petco?-they are def. probably more expensive considering it is petco or are they the same quality pretty much?




  1. i say buy it

    btw dont buy fish from walmart there horrible fish keepers

  2. the tanks that they carry are fine. i've bought a couple from there. the clear glue that you saw was just a sealant drip. if you just rub it with your finger it will come off. it shouldnt mess with the quality of the tank.

  3. The glue is fine, but I don't recommend the 10 gallon tank, you may think that a small tank will be less work, but it is just the opposite. You constantly have to change the water, you can't hold very many fish in it. With the cramped space, the fish won't do as well, and you'll spend quite a bit of money replacing fish. I suggest you start with a 20 gallon tank at least.  Petsmart has all kinds of sizes available. They even have Complete aquarium kits available. Please don't buy your fish from walmart, they don't take care of their fish. They are usually all sick when you take them home.

  4. buying the aquarium at walmart i would trust the glue you see is silicone its used in all glass aquariums. so yes it would be a good purchase. at petco their 10 gallons are kinda expensive but i would trust them

  5. Ok, first off, I have had one of those ten gallons running for over a year with great success, so go ahead.

    And most people hate Walmart's pet section, but it varies from store to store really.  Sometimes there are pet section managers who really know and care about the fish, so it's really up to your judgement.  None of the stores around me are that great, but I've been to a couple that were really good.

  6. the tanks at wal-mart are packaged for wal-mart but are made by allglass which is the leading maker of aquariums

    and they are perfectly fine I have a couple of 55's from wal-mart that are over 20 years old.

    the statements about wal-mart fish are a lot miss leading in fact wal-mart,petco,petsmart and even the local pet stores in most cases get fish from the sam supliers

    the big box stores like wal-mart and petco and petsmart are more worried about selling the fish than they are about tank conditions shopping for fish at any box store can be risky you have to know what to look at on the fish to pick out good ones this even applies to a lot of local pet stores I have bought lots of fish from wal-mart and never had any of them die the one fish I wont buy form anywhere except a local breeder or a breeder on the net is angels buying them any place else and it is almost garenteed they will die

  7. I'm not sure about quality, but I avoid the walmart pet section like the plague unless I'm getting a squicky toy. I don't trust a chain like that to have your pet's best interest at heart. Buying the tank could led to a habit of buying equipment, which might led to buying fish from WalMart, and I can't respect any aquarist who buys fish from walmart.

    What does Walmart care if your fish die? They have many other products/stuff to make a profit on. Places like PetSmart have a vested interest in your pet's health, since a good experience will keep you coming back.

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