
Are global warming alarmist ready to admit that they were wrong in the seventies with the global cooling scare

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In 400 hundred years of measuring temperatures it has only risen 3/4 of a degree. Natural global warming and global cooling have been documented millions of years back.




  1. I don't think anyone knows what and how and where anything about global warming. It keeps the college professes busy!

  2. The "global cooling scare" was just a few guys with no data and some wild ideas.

    They weren't like today's global warming scientists, with a mountain of data.

    What they were EXACTLY like is today's so-called "skeptics".

  3. Nope... it's not trendy yet.

  4. Oceans have been rising for thousands of years and will probably continue to do so.  Not because of global warming, but because it's natural.

    Today, April 25th, it's cold and's supposed to snow tonight.

    The earth warms.  It cools.  It's all natural.

    Dana:  Stop posting Wiki as fact.  It's not even -the- wiki, but some random generic one.  Oi.  It makes you look so not credible.

  5. My day wouldn't be complete without the old "they predicted Global Warming in the 70's"  howler.

    It was a minority opinion expressed by a few back in the 70's. The math turned out to have major errors. You hear about it from time to time as "Global Warming predictions can't be trusted because the same people predicted an ice age in the 1970's" Not true, never was true, just a minority opinion by a few guys who had their facts wrong. One thing to keep in mind is that UNLIKE scientific publications, the popular press is tasked with presenting both sides of an issue, no matter how inane, while the scientific press presents what the authors can support with facts while following strict protocols.

    The basic idea was pretty simple. Global Warming causes more evaporation from the oceans at the equation. That in turn causes more precipitation (as we are seeing). At the poles that takes the form of snow. The snow accumulates faster at the poles, expanding the ice pack, and more heat reflects back into space. That causes the earth to get cooler, causing more snow, until you get a runaway effect. Lowell Ponte, founder of the denier/skeptic movement came up with that one. There's nothing wrong with his reasoning, he was just out of his depth on the math.

    There's a different variation that says the huge amounts of cold fresh water being dumped into the seas by the melting of the polar caps could change the "global conveyor" (the world wide system of warm and cold ocean currents that has profound effects on both climate and weather). It can't really be disproven, because we don't understand that system very well. By the same token its equally hard to support that theory, again because we don't understand that system very well.

    Let me give you a more recent example of this "popular press" effect, especially as it confuses the uninitiate. You will see posts that will say "Did you hear the scientists have changed their mind about Global Warming being caused by man made CO2? Now they say it's happening on Mars too, and is caused by natural variations in the sun. That shows you can't believe anything a scientists says". (but also disproves Global Warming!)

    So what's wrong with that? Well when you look at the sources you don't find "scientists say" or "experts say". What you find is "Scientist Says", just like with the one in the 1970's. So who is the scientist contradicting the experts? He is Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory . So he's not only a household word, but like Lowell Ponte, he is not a climatologist. So what else do the articles say?

    " Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists."

    "His views are completely at odds with the mainstream scientific opinion,"

    "the idea just isn't supported by the theory or by the observations."

    "Perhaps the biggest stumbling block in Abdussamatov's theory is his dismissal of the greenhouse effect, in which atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide help keep heat trapped near the planet's surface."

    " He claims that carbon dioxide has only a small influence on Earth's climate and virtually no influence on Mars. "

    "without the greenhouse effect there would be very little, if any, life on Earth, since our planet would pretty much be a big ball of ice,"

    So the main thing wrong with this idea is that if it were true we wouldn't be here discussing it. Yet I guarantee you that 30 years from now (if we are still here) when the weather and climate scientists are trying to educate the world about some really important Global Warming issue there will be some guys saying "Well you can't believe what THEY tell you. Those same scientists said Global Warming was happening on Mars too back in aught-eight. How dumb can you get?"

    I don't know any alarmists, but if the scientists, the people who come here to discuss Global warming, or I turn out to be wrong, you'll be the first to know.

  6. No they won't admit it. Look it went form Global Cooling to Global Warming and NOW they say Climate Change. LMAO!

  7. Believers like to say that global cooling was the minority opinion.  Given time it would have become the majority.  As soon as the theory started to take off, temperatures started to rise.

    But then again, many of the doomsday scenarios for global warming (will lead to an ice age, hurricanes, 20 feet sea level rises) are also the minority opinion.  Which goes to show you how sensationalistic  the media is.

  8. Can't admit something that's not true.  See Myth #1 here:

    The planet has warmed 0.5 deg Celsius in the past 30 years.  This is not natural.  See here for a scientific explanation of how we know this:

    The argument 'climate has changed naturally before' doesn't tell you anything.  You have to look deeper into the science to determine if the current warming is natural.

  9. No, enviro-wackos never admit when they are wrong.

  10. seventies/cooling scare: no, not very many scientists even believed in that. in fact, the number was so few there wasn't even a single commission on the subject. it was largely speculation by a minority, few scientists.

    Nice, misleading propaganda, though.

  11. Global warming alarmists are never going to admit they are wrong about anything. Remember Al Gore already told us the debate is over (because he said so and he is the prophet of global warming) and that ends it. The other thing most people do not consider is the amount of money flowing to these "researchers" of global climate change. If they were so brash to admit that the earth experiences cyclical climate change that accounts for the minor deviations in temperature they would no longer receive billions of dollars in research money to continue looking for "solutions".  

    We only have accurate temperature readings for the last 100 years. These same scientist want to proclaim that the earth went through ice ages numerous times but not once was there any evidence of man made causes for the earth warming out of those ice ages. They also say the earth is warming at a faster rate. Faster then when? They say the earth is billions of years old but only have accurate data for 100 years. That is the equivalent of having your hybrid vehicle idle for 12 hrs, drive it for one hour and let it idle until it is empty and saying you only got 30 miles to the gallon. It is called insufficient data or too small a sample size. ( Figures do not lie, Liars figure )

    Pollution is not a good thing and as an avid outdoors man I want the environment to be kept as clean as possible, but not through iffy science and scare tactics from a "prophet" that lives a hypocritical life.

  12. lets not take chances   help the enviroment

  13. I do know that there has been no elevation in temperatures since 1998.  Now does global warming exist?  Of course it does. It is a natural phenomenon as the Earth doesn't stay at a constant temperature, but fluctuates through time. It has been much warmer in the past as evidenced by the fact that Greenland was once devoid of ice. It will get warmer and it will become cooler.  

    Now does man made global warming exist? No....They scream, cry and whine that CO2 is elevating the temperatures but have you ever seen a scientific study that shows a given amount of CO2 raises temperature a certain number of degrees? No, because it doesn't.  When I see a study that shows a direct correlation between CO2 levels and temperature elevation I might consider the issue as valid.  There is none.  Remember the scientific method basically says you have to start with a theory and be able to test it for validity and then test it once again to see if the results can be reproduced (simply put).  

    No the man made global warming is but a hoax from the environmental wingnuts. Oh yes and don't forget to use your "special" light bulbs (that contain mercury) to combat that carbon footprint all you evironmental heathens are leaving on mother earth!

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