
Are good looks and "health" related? Has there been scientific research to prove this correlation?

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People naturally are drawn to and prefer "good looking " people, they get better jobs and positions in life. Our society prefers them as leaders. What is this about?




  1. I’m not aware of any scientific research proving this correlation; however, if it is indeed true, I would imagine it might be related to the likely stronger self esteem of a physically attractive person.  Such people might have a comparatively stronger inclination towards physical fitness because they gain an even stronger advantage over other people who might not have the good fortune of physical attractiveness.  A person who has a low self esteem due to their own perception of their physical appearance might feel less inclined to pursue a solid fitness program because they might feel that it isn’t worth the effort because they will still be unhappy with their physical looks.  I know it’s unfair and is a reflection of the shallow mindset of most people, nevertheless, I think that is at the bottom of the problem.    

  2. While good health may improve the looks,  good looks do not ensure good health!

    People are drawn to good looking persons initially;  but how long the attraction stays depend on the person's total personality,  not mere looks.

    Only a very shallow society would prefer cover to the content while selecting its leaders.  

    Ex-President of India,  Dr.  Abdul Kalaam,  is a great Scientist and is much respected.  Many people wanted him to cut his long hair [they do nothing to enhance his (non-existent) looks] but he stayed as he was and won over everyone's heart.

    So  Please,  don't be so obsessed with Looks.  They matter only in Show-biz and life has more to offer than mere entertainment!!!

  3. Good looks and health are 100% not related in anyway.  People are indeed naturally drawn to good looking people, but there's really not all that much proof that the good lookers do better in life and those of us who look somewhat ordinary do.  When I look at our country's present leaders I am hard pressed indeed to find a good looking one among that shifty-eyed crowd.

  4. I do not agree with the statement that good looks = good genetics.

    We may observe a wart hog as not attractive, but it may be more healthy than the graceful gazelle.  The ugly wart hog may have excellent genes!

    Ugly does not equal unhealthy.

    However, good looks are conducive to better treatment by society, thus making that person feel good about themselves.  When one feels good about themselves, they are more inclined to take care of themselves, and to have less stress factors gnawing away at their mental and physical health.  

    Only by this indirect correlation, can good looks and "health" be related, and in my opinion, it is a stretch.

  5. Yes...good looks are related to health.  Good looks are obviously due to GOOD genetics.  GOOD genetics are HEALTHY genetics.  But you got to keep in mind that "Good Health" (different than Good Looks) is partly due to genetics and partly due to "Lifestyle."  Many are born with the potential of looking good, but as a result of a poor "Lifestyle" end up looking BAD!!  Where bad genetics can leave you with deformities and handicaps (which obviously ISN'T good looking).

    Richard B. is wrong...Physical health and Mental health go hand in hand.  Good genetics will provide us with what we need to survive.  We (CAN) be physically fit and intelligent, but if we live a poor "lifestyle" we're more likely to become (Over weight and less educated).

  6. So your telling me Ricky Martin may live forever?

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