
Are good manners overrated or underrated?

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Are good manners overrated or underrated?




  1. no, good manners are not over-rated, especially if you are dealing in the business world.  fact...98% of all people will formulate an opinion about you in less than one minute going on appearance first, speech second, and manners third.  it tells almost all people need to know about you, where you came from, and in what economic backround you were raised.  repeated studies have proven this.  

  2. A year ago, I was waiting for a bus, when an elderly couple approached; I could tell that they would also be waiting for the bus, so I gave them the seat at the bus-stop, and the wife (I presume they were married) said to her husband: "See, young people do give up their seats, still!"

  3. Not really overrated, but some people take it to sickening extremes. "Would you please pass the salt?" "Oh thank you soo very much, and yes, the fish was perfectly battered at the chippy, it is utterly delightful, you worked so hard legging it back with that heavy load of chips!"

  4. You can never overrate good manners.

  5. Good manners are underrated

  6. underrated, good manners cost nothing!

  7. underrated!

    isn't anyone else sick of ppl who just sneeze openly in a room and don't care who it affects?  or the ppl that jar and ram your knees, legs and feet in a movie theater without an "excuse me" on their way to wherever. those are just a couple among a lot of other commonplace/sense mannerisms that just don't exist anymore.

  8. they are under rated as people believe you are above yourself and make fun but that's in the work area outside in public people do give you respect for your manners and the older generation are the ones that respect this the most

  9. Definitely underrated. At least by people who know no better. Good manners should come natural if you have been brought up well. There is nothing worse than watching uncoothe people, I actually feel sorry for them as often they don't know any better. Like the parent using foul language in front of a young child, drinking in public places, dropping litter etc etc etc. What an example?  The child will grow up to not know any better as sadly probably happened to the parent before him.

  10. Probably underrated by the majority of people in the US.  I think good manners are extremely important.My mom was a sterling example of good manners.  On the night she died, I gave her a drink of water and she thanked me.  She was good mannered to the very end. It was the very last words she spoke.

  11. They are very underrated, They are so simple to do and make your (and other peoples) day go much better

  12. Under-rated plenty of people seem to have forgotten manners. Even a simple please and thankyou is hard for some people.

  13. I hope its underrated, that way more people might pick it up.  

  14. So refreshing to see everyone's opinion, with which I agree: manners are underrated.

  15. Good manners cost absolutely nothing.

  16. No, there are plenty people that need to learn manners already.

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