
Are good summers in England a thing of the past?

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Are good summers in England a thing of the past?




  1. yes, it is all over for this year

    Next year we will have good summer.

  2. Yes give up hope now. Move to sunnier climate.

  3. I hope not, we have always had good and bad summers.

    This one has been more like autumn, windy, wet and mostly mild.

    Perhaps we will have a beautiful autumn.

    Or will autumn become wintry aso?

  4. Yesterday was horrible but today is nice and sunny so far so we are off out (London.)

  5. England has always had two seasons. In Summer the rain is warm.

  6. It's looking that way.

  7. i think so missing the sunshine, when i was a kid the summer holidays were always hot and weather was guaranteed so you could plan simple things like picnics, oh how i miss them!

  8. certainly looks that way

  9. no.

  10. Yes they are like cold winters we just have a wet crappy mid range weather all year round!

  11. With global warming seemingly on the increase, and a shift in the weather worldwide, yes, It would appear that the traditional British summer has become a memory.

  12. It's really a thing of the nostalgic past. Therefore many thousands British citizens live in Costa del Sol and Almeria and Menorca in Spain.

  13. yes i think so

  14. Yes but there is always whisky in the jar o

  15. The hot summers we had a few years ago were not the usual british summer anyway. This is why people started going abroad in the 60's for a bit of summer sun. The weather we are getting now is more typical to the uk if not slightly more wet last year and this year.  

  16. Same applies to Ireland. It does nothing but rain here.  

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