
Are grapes same as grapefruit ??

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Are grapes same as grapefruit ??




  1. no, a grapefruit is a large citrus fruit

  2. No, of course not! I agree, grapefruit is a citrus fruit.

  3. Yes I think they are the same type

  4. 1 ) A grape is a fruit that grows on the perennial and deciduous woody vines of the genus Vitis.

    ( Scientific name = Vitis vinifera )

    Grapes can be eaten raw or used for making jam, juice, jelly, vinegar, and wine,

    Grapes grow in clusters of 6 to 300, and can be crimson, black, dark blue, yellow, green and pink.

    However, "white" grapes are actually green in color, and are evolutionarily derived from the red grape.

    Mutations in two regulatory genes of white grapes turn off production of anthocyanins which are responsible for the color of red grapes.

    Anthocyanins and other pigment chemicals of the larger family of polyphenols in red grapes are responsible for the varying shades of purple in red wines.

    click the links for images =

    Scientific classification

    Kingdom: Plantae

    Division: Magnoliophyta

    Class: Magnoliopsida

    Order: Vitales

    Family: Vitaceae

    Genus: Vitis

    Species: V. vinifera

    Binomial name

    Vitis vinifera

    2 ) Grapefruit =The grapefruit is a subtropical citrus tree grown for its fruit which was originally named the "forbidden fruit" of Barbados.

    These evergreen trees are usually found at around 5-6 m tall, although they can reach 13-15 m. The leaves are dark green, long (up to 150 mm) and thin.

    It produces 5 cm white four-petalled flowers.

    The fruit is yellow-skinned, largely oblate and ranges in diameter from 10-15 cm .

    The flesh is segmented and acidic, varying in color depending on the cultivars, which include white, pink and red pulps of varying sweetness.

    The fruit has only become popular from the late 19th century; before that it was only grown as an ornamental plant.

    The US quickly became a major producer of the fruit, with orchards in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California. In Spanish, the fruit is known as toronja or pomelo.

    Scientific classification

    Kingdom: Plantae

    Division: Magnoliophyta

    Class: Magnoliopsida

    Subclass: Rosidae

    Order: Sapindales

    Family: Rutaceae

    Genus: Citrus

    Species: C.  paradisi

      Binomial name

    Citrus  paradisi

    Click on the links for images=

    From = A Botanist

  5. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



  6. lol, nope! :)

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