
Are gummy bear vitamin supplements effective? Do they really give you the dosage you need if you eat 2 per day

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Are gummy bear vitamin supplements effective? Do they really give you the dosage you need if you eat 2 per day




  1. Wow, you received a LOT of bad info. on this question.

    First, Judy b is absolutely incorrect.  There are literally hundreds (hundreds!) of scientific studies showing most Americans do NOT receive even RDA levels of many vitamins and minerals from their diets (many leading researchers believe the RDAs are too low for many vitamins - e.g. Vitamin D and Vitamin C) .

    Next, it was hard to find the ingredients in these products, but I eventually did.  These supplements are grossly inadequate.  First, the #1 and #2 ingredients are sugars!  Second, the amount of some of the vitamins are grossly inadequate (e.g. Vitamin D).  Third, this product is grossly incomplete - NO Vitamin B1, B2, B3, or Vitamin K!  And, only ONE mineral - zinc.  Therefore, NO calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper, boron, vanadium, etc.

    Simply, this product is "candy" disguised as a health food supplement.

    It may be wise to talk to a nutritionally trained health care professional (not likely your family M.D. - they still have NO training in nutrition), or ask about a quality product at your local health food store.

    Here are some scientific data on the prevalence of vitamin/mineral deficiencies.

    A) The following are percentages of Americans, greater than 2 years old, who are not meeting the 1989 RDAs:

    1) Vitamin B12 - 17.2%

    2) B3 (Niacin) - 25.9%

    3) Phosphorus - 27.4%

    4) B2 (Riboflavin) - 30.0%

    5) Vitamin C - 37.5%

    6) B6 - 53.6%

    7) Vitamin A - 56.2%

    8) Magnesium - 61.6%

    9) Calcium - 65.1%

    10) Zinc - 73.3%

    B) In a study of data from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture the following was found:

    1) "High percentages of children had intakes below the EAR (estimated average requirement) for vitamin E."

    2) "Many children aged 9 years and older had intakes below the EAR for folate and magnesium."

    3) "Females aged 14 to 18 years were at highest risk of usual intakes that did not meet the EARs.  Few males in this age group met the EAR for vitamin E or magnesium."

    Best wishes and good luck.

  2. Most vitamins will contain what the label says they contain.

    As to "effective", most people in the developed world do not need vitamin supplements, they get all they need from food.  So most of the time, vitamins do nothing except make the vitamin companies rich.

  3. It's all relevant.  The bears are SURE to contain in them what they claim to.. they have to, by law.

    now the real question is how and if they'll be assimilated by your body.

    when i was like 11 i would always take my sisters gummy bear vitamins cause they tasted even better than regular gummy bears... my parents actually had to hide them and ration them out so we wouldn't finish them all at once!  as an adult i would opt for pills instead but thats just preference.

    in conclusion, I would suggest ) you learn how to do muscle testing or "energy" testing.   it's a simple and effective method to test what supplements and foods will have positive or negative effects on your body.   this test can be used to compare supplements and help you decide what to take or even what NOT to take.  this can really help you save money by letting you know if something you're paying bookoo bucks for is actually helping you, or just draining your wallet. It's also a neat/fun way to learn more about your body and your food .. people are like snowflakes, no 2 are the same

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