
Are guys HOT in spain? someother questions too... help?

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are guys hott in madrid? like how do they act/look? how is the partying there also?




  1. Why would it matter where a guy lived? It doesn't make you any hotter or uglier just because you live somewhere...

  2. The best way to find out is to go!

    You sound young, so let me help you out.

    The best way to do Spain is a student tour!

    Especially if you're young.  Did you know that youth are encouraged to travel with many many discounted  programs?

    Are you between the ages of 18-26?  If so, I can reccommend how I have travelled all of Europe.  It's awesome!

    Check out this site:

    It lists tons of vacations, priced cheap for students...or really anyone from age 18 to 26.

    They take care of the airfare, transportation, activities...they basically make sure you have a great time!

    Its way cheap, fun (you get to travel with other hot college kids), safer and smarter.

    Plus if you use this manager code: gavrie6237

    you'll get a $50.00 discount on top of the already cheap price!!

  3. What a stupid question.

    Men are not better looking based on where they live. In every country you will get hot, fat, slim, cute, fit guys. Dont ask such stupid questions in future.

  4. They sure are!  Most are fun to be around and they do know how to party.

  5. u r straight. good job! =)

  6. everyone is spain is like, stuck in the 90's style wise, sometimes you might run acrss a nice looking man. the partying is AMAZING

  7. Why?

    Why are you so curious...?


  8. People in Spain know how to party!  Especially in the South (Andalucía).  

    Yes, they are hot, good looking, especially if you like that look.  Antonio Banderas...Málaga.  Need I say more?  

    However, the large majority of them are kinda short.  I am only about average height, but I had a hard time finding a man taller than me to dance with.  

    They can be pretty possessive, and you will find men standing on street corners calling out things to you like construction workers, sometimes really personal, though those are mostly older men.

  9. i would think guys are good lookuing in all kinds of the world

    im sure there is nice looking men but also not so attractive


  11. Guys in spain are just like guys in Italy. VERY VERY VERY good looking. They even look the same. When i was there, it seemed like it was more common for men to have colored eyes then to have brown. Also, they are not afraid to show you that they are attracted to you. Be carefull because they are very good with their words and will fool you to believe anything. All in all..they are big romantics...but will do anything to get into your pants...i guess they are like any guy in the world.

    For the partying, ITS ALOT OF FUN. Getting wasted with a bunch of hott spanish guys seems like a dream. Just be sure you go with a group of people you know and dont go off with someone by yourself.

  12. from what i have heard

  13. Depending on the heat index and the humidity.

  14. it depends.

    some are really hot though :)

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