
Are guys allowed to be depressed. I dont get it?

by Guest45438  |  earlier

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I heard somewhere guys arent supposed to be depressed some stupid vid. Forgot it hope they got an F though




  1. Guys are human, of course they are going to have emotions just like us girls. That was just a ridiculous thing to say. Its not true.

  2. some people don't feel valuable up against others of their own s*x.

  3. what do you mean? depression does not discriminate!

  4. wtf, of course guys are allowed to get depressed, guys have the same emotions as females just may not show them as easy around people.

  5. Depression happens in men as often as women.  

  6. Guys can be depressed as much as girls can...

    Guys just tend to be the ones to hold it inside and not talk much about whats bothering them...

    Where ever that video is...its entirely wrong if it says guys arent supposed to be depressed...

    Hope this helps ya :)

  7. No that is not true. Depression can either be a temporary feeling, like happy, silly, angry or "depressed"-if it applies to a specific situation OR it can be a mental illness caused my an imbalance of seritonin in the brain. At any rate both can apply to men.

    Clinical depression is more than just feeling sad. It is usually accompanied by sleeplessness, change in appetite, difficulty focusing and forgetfulness, change in sexual habits and it can but does not have to including feeling blue and crying spells.

    Only person that can help you find out for sure if you have depression is a licensed counselor or a doctor-psychiatrist.

    If I was you I'd look up more about it on "" or go to the library and read.

    The reason women are diagnosised more readily is that they are more willing to express feelings of depression and seek out help. Many males have the idea that it is not "manly" to be depressed. Find out for yourself what is going on inside of you...

  8. This is not true at all!!!!  Guys do become depressed and this is okay thats why most try and get some help for their depression.

  9. depression isn't gender specific

    it's more common for females to be depressed though

    males can suffer from depression too

  10. depression is not gender specific at all. If it runs in the family, you have a higher cahnce of getting it.

  11. what?!?

  12. I'm getting depressed just reading this stuff.

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