
Are guys attracted to me?

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i am confused and don't know how to tell if guys find me attractive or not.. i'm 17. i've never had a boyfriend and never been kissed. i am 5'10" and slender and smart..people tell me i have a pretty face. my bestfriend has already gone all the way and it just makes me feel weird for example she was talking about her other friend and she said "omg (insert name) has only made out with a guy,that's all" and then she looked at me. but um i see guys staring at my face alot. for example,this one boy at my school is constantly staring at my face with an intense stare time for over 30 seconds straight but i ignore it..does he like me?. also, i'm a lil shy with guys and i have been told i seem s****.. but guys are always staring at my face..i always see random guys in public staring at my face. its weird. i don't know wuts wrong.why can't i get a guy? i've been told that i intimidate boys and they are afraid of approaching me. could this be it?




  1. well frankly I think you need to be more open, not in like a S****y way, just more approachable and outgoing, alot of guys find that attractive.  here are some tips: Smile, smiling automatically makes you seem more friendly, you don't have to talk alot but if you stay totally silent thats not going to make guys want to talk to you...

    also do not feel pressured to be physical with guys... trust me I have a friend kinda like your friend and it's brought her nothing but trouble...

    so I hope I could help!

  2. you must have a very pretty face if guys are staring at you. some guys may feel intimidated by all of your beauty. do not get stuck up about it, you say that you're shy.

    try saying hello to them that stare at your face. and keep your panties on until you're married you don't want to end up being a s**t like your friends will. as s*x is a special thing meant for husband and wife, not every one that tells you I love you. only to find out latter on after you spread your legs for them and gave it up to them they move on and that there was notheing really there after all.

  3. I think you are just growing up and getting to know yourself.  In this day and time a lot of your peers are probably sexually active.   Let that be their business.  Boys are looking at you because you are probably pretty.  Sounds like you just need to meet the right guy and become a little more social, but keep your morals and values intact.  This is just a phase that many young women go through, so don't start thinking that you are the only one who has been there.

  4. If guys are starring at you they must be interested. As far as your friend goes don't feel weird because she went all the way and you didn't. It could be they are too shy to approach you.

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