
Are guys really confusing???

by Guest67128  |  earlier

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or is it just me?

its like their complicated because their so simple!




  1. my girl like to party all the time, party all the time, party all the ttiiiiimmeee...

  2. they are actually quite simple..u just need to read them carefully. always have a guard up until ure sure uve figured them out and they havent pulled any tricks out of their sleeve.

  3. yes they are especially the annoying middle school kids!!

  4. It's just you.

  5. That could be true, it could be that you're making them seem more confusing than they are :)

    But that's sort of what a friend said when I asked her "Why are girls so confusing?"

  6. i don't really know its different with like every guy

    guys in high school aren't confusing most of them are just looking for the same thing

    or most of them are just looking for their high school sweetheart but that's really rare.

    they are too simple sometimes but think of this guys think girls are complicated and some understand us but some don't know what we want what we really want  

  7. HA! I like that. No honestly I do i'm not just making fun, because I really understand that.

    Guys can be frustratingly simplistic sometimes, and at times seem to dwindle the problem, when in actuality sometimes girls tend to a blow a problem way out of proportion.

    But sometimes a guys simplicity is the best thing in the world. The fact that they make a problem simple can give way to a simple solution. Sometimes though, guys tend to over simplify problems.

    Anyway, guys are more complicated than they would like to admit. You would be surprised how many times you feel angry and happy at the same time and a guy knows exactly what your talking about but just won't admit it.


  8. its u

  9. guys are more stupid then confusing. I don't mean that in a bad way i mean sometimes their jusdgement isn't always the best.  

  10. There pretty basic.  Some are straight to the point! Some have no point at all or clue.  Some play games! and some are worth having a conversation with.  Don't waste time trying to read between the lines, most times their aren't any lines! And don't wait on some fool to call you or ask you out! you have a mouth! speak for yourself! get what cha want! Don't waste the pretty on a dud!  

  11. I'm a guy, I'm 15, I'm not confusing. Guys act different ways at different times. They are complicated and can be a******s when they want to be. They are also sweet and simple when they want to be.

  12. not if they're me

  13. nope..we r simple ..all u gotta do for a guy is satisfy his peepy and stomach. girls hav all those emotional sh*t and romance and personality. All wat guys care about is whether u r guly or not!!

  14. lol i agree with you!

  15. oh my god a girl saying this, some guys are,  and some guys arent, and some guys are really nice and stuff, i'm nice i can take a girls c**p when shes pmsing and upset and she needs to take it out, girls are complicated they dont tell you whats wrong they say its okay then start crying and say its nothing

    guys are easy compared to girls

  16. we are confusing to each other

  17. hahahahahhahaha, guys are the simpleist things you will find in this world, all our conversations are the same regardless of the topic and we are all always looking for the same thing

  18. They are, most of the time, confusing.


  19. three things, food, s*x, sleep. thats all we need

  20. Yes they are.  Yet so are girls.  Usually most of them will mature as they get into their late 20's and know more about what they want in life and who they like being with. Once they find they want to settle down and get serious with one person they become a little less confusing.  Important thing always is communication.  Just give it time and don't be in a hurry.  

  21. Chelsea, of course they are. They have to put up with, understand us, know what we are thinking, put up with our moods. Need I say more?.....

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