
Are guys supposed get "tents" when kissing??

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SO when your kissing guys are they meant to get "Tents", you know boners an what have you lol i was just wondering, is it bad if the guy doesnt?? and what does it mean if he doesnt?!

just curious lol




  1. each guy is defferent...Nothing wrong if he does or doesnt...

  2. Umm he shouldn't unless he is thinking of something =/

  3. nothing, some do some dont,

  4. just means you are turning him on if a tent pops up while kissing him.

  5. Erm i guess if your really turning a guy on then yeh, you will make him harrrd!

    but its not really common in all cases! It often happens when you kiss random guys in clubs but not all the time haha!!!


  6. doesn't matter.  some people get that excited while kissing, some need a little more enticement.  it depends on the situation.

  7. LOL it could mean he has one that you can't see(maybe tiny) or if you can see it (it maybe huge)

    And yes most of them when kissing do  get the tent!

  8. it means he really fancies you and needs to c*m so either help him out or let him go and jerk off somewhere to make himself comfortable again

  9. if his d**k isnt the size of a regular 12 inch ruler he may have aids trust me john McCain told me

  10. if he doesnt he either has great d**k suppretion or he is uninterested

  11. depends...

  12. if he does , then it mean the bird is HOT

    if he does not then  its either  she is to HOT  nervs kick in  

    OR "any port in a storm" lol

  13. over the years i have kissed all sorts of girls from ones that turn me on to ones i really didn't want to be kissing,

    i have found that it depends on the mood us guys are in at the time and how passionate the kiss is,

    if you are kissing a guy and gets hard then simply try to imagine it isnt there unless that is what you want, i should imagine this would seem like a compliment to some women and others may find it offensive its soley depends on the young lady in question.

    it is most normal though and dont thimk you should breed too much into it just go with it and try to see as if he really wants you

    good luck with it hope i have helped you tony x

  14. generally when you are younger, any kind of sexual activity is going to give you a hard on because you are experiencing a part of s*x and become aroused and excited.

    it a guy thinks there is something to follow (or his body does) then he will get a hard on for certain.

    but in those cases where he knows nothing will happen, and a kiss is just a kiss- maybe you are on the street, maybe in a restaurant, maybe your mom and grandma are watching who knows, but this is a case where nothing will happen and the sexual "turn on" is not on.

    it also depends on the guy, but a guy that pops one that fast also probably doesn't have as much staying power.  again all people are different. and there are times when arousal is just more on high level so it pops quicker.

    as you get older, you generally only get aroused when you think something will happen or are just more turned on and hornier.

    ask yourself, do you get wet every time you kiss a guy? every time you kiss the same guy?

    probably not.

  15. If he does not get aroused, you have problems.  Kissing is the beginning of arousal.  If he does not you are not sexually attractive

  16. Yeah, they should be getting aroused especially if you're having a proper kissing sess lol!!! But there are occasions where it might be more of an affectionate kiss than a sexual one, so I guess they might not get hard then!! You'll probably be able to tell in other ways if he's turned on too, like if he breathes a bit faster...or starts trying to grope your b***s!!! xx

  17. I have never heard this term used in my life and that's been a long time. Some guys do and some don't. I really means nothing.

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