
Are hamsters meant to go into like a shock (stays still for ages)?

by Guest58545  |  earlier

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Because my hamster does and im scared




  1. Thats what my black bear hamster, Lacey does. She thinks that no one can see her so she stays there for like 10 minutes! It is just what some hamsters do. There is no problem with her/him. :)  This usually happens when i come back from a vacation or after i go out and come in the door.

  2. I dont think so. how still does he go?

    mine has done something that sounds similar before, but only when he was moved into my house from my boyfriends, and I'd hold him and when I set him back in the cage he just laid still for a long time.

    are you doing anything to scare him? is he in an area with loud noises?

  3. Huh! Hamsters are interesting, mine too. Sometimes, she RUSHES back to her sleeping igloo, really fast. Something probably startled it.

  4. My hamster (when I had one) used to do that.

    I liked it but at the same time I was scared.

    He would always do that when he heard something or got scared. But I think its still pretty normal.

    But there was this one time when we were watching Happy Gilmore (I remember this like it was yesterday) and my hamster froze up and stared into the kitchen. I swear, he jumped off the couch, ran around the kitchen and jumped right back on the couch and stayed in the corner. When I touched him he got like, really startled and he was shaking.

    So I picked him up and put him in his cage, and he was fine.

  5. I suppose it would depend. Is it scared or did something startle it? One of my hamster's really active - but he does get REALLY still when someone he doesn't know pick him up. The other one's rather lazy and he sleeps a lot. That's not quite "shock" though.

    Your hamster should be fine as long as he's eating correctly. Is there anything about him that might suggest he's ill?

  6. No, you're alright. My hamster does that when I'm holding him, he'd just stop and stare ito the distance. What I think is that maybe they think that no one will see them, or that they're "thinking" or observing something, kind of like how we stare off into the distance, not aware of our surroundings, while thinking about something. Anyways, he's alright, don't worry.

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