
Are hamsters meant to go into like a shock (where they stay still for ages and they stand in their tube likeit

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Cus my hamster doe sit and she really scares me




  1. my hamster hazel always does that it just means there very alert iv had hazel for almost a year now and shes very healthy you have nothing to worry about my hamster Willl hear a noise that scares her or that interests her and wil get on her hind legs and perk her ears up and stand still for 2 minutes but if your hamsters been like that for a very long time check on it or take it to the vet

  2. Calm down,thats nothing,a lot of hamsters do that. Mine does.

    Look ,all it is is that she smells some different scent,so she is trying to tell wether it is danger coming. I swear,thats all it is.NOT a wet tail symptom

    symptoms for wet tail= smelly cage ,a wet tail,smelly hammy underside,dragging its hindquarters around

  3. shes dead accept it

  4. shes probs not scared

    hamsters have alot better hearing than humans so when they hear something they haven't heard before or are curious about they will sit still to give it there full attention

    and try to find out were its coming from and what it is.

    wet tail symptoms-

    looses appetite for food

    they will have diarrhoea or soft watery poo

    and they will be tired

    its fatal so if you find these symptoms take her to the vet straight away they can treat it

  5. my hamster does the exact same thing and she wont come out of her tube... shes NOT dead! she also does that when she hears me coming into the house.... is you hamster a blackbear? SHE IS FINE! If she doesnt come out, get her a nice treat and put it at the top of the tube then just brushe her with your finger so she knows that everything is all right!

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