
Are hamsters okay to feed snakes?

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I've got 3 corn snakes, a ball python, and I'm getting a RTB this weekend. I'm feed mice pinkies, mice fuzzies, and rat fuzzies.

My little brother wants a female hamster, and I'm going to get a male hamster.. and they make babies. Is it okay to feed snakes hamsters?




  1. what is wrong with you?

  2. no definitly dont feed your snakes hamsters, better to feed them mice and besides hamsters are meant to be pets, NOT snake food! i'd sell the hamsters and use that money to buy mice, please do not feed your snake hamster babies!

  3. no...

    thats just wrong

  4. LOL I had to lol at the responses. They are all rodents. I would imagine rats are on the bottom of the rodent totem pole, but they are all rodents to me. Feed them what you like, your snakes will be connoisseurs of different rodent meat.  

  5. NO, cause the snake well never eat a rats again but hay do what you want to do.

  6. Why not just buy male and female mice or rats? They're cheaper and they still run in tubes and stuff like a hamster does...and mice and rats are meant to be food for snakes. Hamsters are just more of a pet really...but you're gonna do what you want anyway. =3

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