
Are hemiplegic migraines a warning sign of an impending stroke?

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Are hemiplegic migraines a warning sign of an impending stroke?




  1. Unlikel, unless there is an associated aneurysm.

  2. Depending on who you ask you may get different answers.

    As far as my experiences:  I was diagnosed with migraines when I was 10 to explain periodic vision disturbances, "fuzzy feelings" and severe  headaches.  What i was actually having were TIAs and a few years ago I had three strokes.  

    If you are really having migraines, then you probably only have a slightly higher risk of stroke because there is some correlation between any kind of migraine and strokes.  However you may want to really look into your symptoms, get an MRI, etc. to make sure that a migraine is the right diagnosis.

    On a day to day basis, I wouldn't worry too much.  Just keep up on your healthcare and know the symptoms of a stroke just in case (as everyone should).

    Here is some info about strokes:

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