
Are hermit crabs easy??? expensive to care for??? should i get one??? GIVE ME ALL THE DEETS!

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i was just wondering how much money u need to get the minimum amount of hermit crabs and adequate care. i cant get really a huge tank or anything. i was wondering if they are hard to care for if they are fun, etc. are they harder to care for than fish??? give me all the deets of caring for a hermit crab.




  1. Yeah they are pretty to take easy to take care of.You should only at   least  spend about $22 on it because people have asked me question just like this and they only had to spend $22 dollars at the most. I am a veternairian. Well you should get one if you are responsible to take care of it , and the best place to buy it at is pet smart. So if you have any problems just let me know.

  2. okay there really cheep. not sure how much, but i know there easy to take care of, but somtimes stink. theres a list of websites that will really help you out with hermit crabs :) i had 2 before, pretty boring if you ask me, better then a fish... but have fun!:)

  3. One thing that I recall from a friend's crab; they smell bad.

  4. Hermit crabs really aren't all that hard..More care than fish, but still very easy. You need to keep them at a warm temp. at all times... You need two water dishes. And in one it needs to be fresh, in the other there needs to be salt. If you go out and buy hermit crab salt, the bottle will tell you how much salt you need. And in the fresh water bowl, there needs to be a sponge to keep the tank moist. Throw in a small shelter and something for it to climb on (don't forget food!!!) and you should be all set! Good Luck!!

  5. they are harder to care for and need more maitanince than fish do

  6. They can be expensive to set up because you need to buy a tank, sand, heating equipment, food, water treatment, aquarium salt, plants and caves etc and of course the crabs.

    They need to be kept in pairs or small groups so you will need quite a big tank.

    They are very shy and dont tend to do a lot but, when they do come out of their shells, they are fascinating creatures.

  7. i have had 4 hermit crabs before they are cheap and easy to care for and you should get one since they are fun but i wouldnt suggest putting it in your bedroom since they tend to try and scratch the walls making a horrible sound, the cage should be something like this

    and a house for it to sleep in( remember it needs extra shells around the cage so as it grows it will need a new shell and it needs a pool for it to bath and relax in ( and you will also need gravel water conditioner and a pooper scooper and dont forget food(

    i hope i helped

    ps: a starter kit will includ everything  and if you wanted a treat for your hermit crab there are hermit crab cookies

    - syddles

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